R’ Nosson Fabian, Close Talmid of Rav Schienberg Zt”l Needs our assistance [VIDEO]

R’ Nosson is making a Chassuna TOMORROW, his 3rd one in a year and a half,  the costs are simply way beyond his means. As of right now there just isn’t money to make it happen. R’ Nosson is a noted Talmid Chacham and Ba’al Chesed and contributing to this campaign is not only contributing to this tremendous Mitzvah but supporting Torah and Chessed world wide.


Here’s what Gedolim are saying:

“Our distinguished Talmid Rav Nosson Fabian Shlit”a … is a big תלמיד חכם and ירא שמים and a tremendous בעל חסד

– Harav Simcha Scheinberg shlit”aRosh HaYeshiva, Torah Ore

“Rav Nosson is a sincere friend and a real Tzaddik. He is always helping other people”

– Rav Efraim Krohn, Rosh Chabura, Torah Ore

“He’s someone who really cares”

– Rav Dov Feit

“He doesn’t have the minimum finances needed to go under the Chupa with his child”

– Harav Dovid Nussbaum, Mashgiach, Torah Ore

“This is a big, big, big Chesed”

– Rav Zelig Pliskin

“Your Tzedaka will be for a very… good thing”

– Rav Uri Zohar


Please go to the link to hear more! Please contribute and help spread the word to make this happen!

Tizku L’ mitzvos!

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