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Live – Tonight! Rabbi Dovid Trenk ztz”l Tribute Dinner

LIVE at 8PM:

Tonight family, friends and talmidim join together to celebrate the legacy of the unique, incredible, and unforgettable Harav Dovid Trenk ztz”l.

The live streamed tribute event is scheduled for 8:00PM tonight, the evening before the Yahrzeit. The event will iy”H include a Siyum HaShas by Harav Azriel Brown Shlit”a, son-in-law of Rabbi Trenk and Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshiva Gedola & Mesivta of Carteret, followed by live music and singing. A video production about Rabbi Trenk’s life and legacy will include words from some of his most distinguished family, friends, and talmidim. Harav Yaakov Bender shlit”a, Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshiva Darchei Torah, will be the Guest Speaker. Rabbi Dave Silverman, the event’s Chairman, spent decades together with Rabbi Trenk in Camp Munk. The dinner committee is R’ Zevi Bald, R’ Chaskel Bennett, R’ Naftali Miller, R’ Pinny Munk, R’ Getzy Tischler, R’ Moshe Tress. The Dinner’s website has a unique section where people can publicly (or privately) share their memories of Rabbi Trenk with everyone. 

Another exciting part is the donor gift. The soon-to-be-released biography “Just Love Them – The life and legacy of Rabbi Dovid Trenk”, authored by Rabbi Yisroel Besser, published by Artscroll/Mesorah publications. A special Tribute Dinner dedication section will be added to the front , and will be mailed out to donors of $250 or more.

Funds raised will go to support the Yeshiva Gedola & Mesivta of Carteret, where Rabbi Trenk’s son-in-law, Rabbi Azriel Brown shlit”a is Rosh Yeshiva. A new fund called “The Rabbi Dovid Trenk Talmidim Fund” was established to help bochurim in the Yeshiva who need extra assistance. The Yeshiva currently has 3 full classes in the Mesivta, with 4th class joining this coming Elul iy”H, as well as a Kollel for married men. Rabbi Trenk had a very close connection to the Yeshiva, visiting often, directly influencing the talmidim, and keeping an ongoing connection with many of them. He spoke about it often.


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