Dear Police Officers, How Can We Thank You?

How can we find the words to adequately thank you for all you risk and face daily for the safety of American citizens?  How can we compensate you for all the hate and bashing you unjustly have to put up with? Perhaps the answer to both of these questions is that we cannot.  However, we will do our best to express a drop of what must be said.


You deal with so many things, diving in right away when 9-1-1 is dialed.  Has a car crashed at 3:00 a.m.?  Did an old lady hear a noise in her yard?  Have illegal drugs been scented?  Any American who does not recognize the heroes who save the day must be blind—- perhaps blinded by his own feelings of spite and insecurity, but blinded, nonetheless.  When we’re faced with a danger and we panic, we know that the police will not only help us out, but will do so in a professional, reassuring manner.  Are police officers afraid before they jump in like Superman?  Do you stop and think whether it’s worth it for you?  No, you put your personal feelings aside as you save the day first.  You are our heroes.  Police officers give of themselves to the public, day in and day out. 

You deal with many trivial issues as well, things which are important yet which you will never receive credit for.  Will anyone ever thank you for a speeding ticket?  Yet, if no tickets were issued, how many more road accidents would occur?  You help with security in local schools, where hundreds of children and even teachers may barely notice you exist.  Yet, if not for your presence, would the students and teachers be safe?

We want to tell you now that we do notice you.  We may seem busy in our daily lives, yet when we stop to think about it, where would we be if not for your presence?  We notice you, and we appreciate you.  We need our police.


When rioters start shouting to defund the police, it is abominable to our ears.  They want to abolish America’s heroes, have a country with zero protection—- and for what?  In revenge against one person among your numbers who abused his power?  In revenge towards a few others who wore the badge of police officer yet brought shame to all of you?  Don’t they realize how small those numbers are compared to the rest of you who are doing the right thing, who are there to protect us day and night?  Don’t they realize that if not for you, none of us would be safe?

They shout for equal rights for all when what they really want is to drag you in the dirt and open the doors for crime.  They want to strip you of your rights, and choose not to realize that they are handicapping themselves and others in the process.  You don’t deserve the bias. You deserve so much more than what you are getting now.  You deserve a dollar for each word of hate towards your kind, a thousand dollars for each injury of a fellow law official.  You deserve a country which throws flowers at its officers, not bricks.

There are many in this country who support you and stand behind you, whether they speak up or not.  If you ever feel down from undeserved hatred sent your way from some, know that we, the Jewish community, support you one hundred percent, as do many others.  Those who speak the loudest in this country may not be the majority, and even if they are, we disagree with them.  You don’t need to kneel to anyone to become a hero.  You became a hero the day you were sworn in as a police officer.  You become more of a hero each day on the job.  Please accept this letter as a humble expression of our gratitude, unspoken words coming from Americans, humanity, and mankind.  The Jews of America stand with you.  We support our police.




The Jewish Community of America

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