Couple Can’t Afford To Keep Their Kids Alive

Parenthood is challenging for just about everyone. For Yaffa & Bentzi Katz, however, it is truly a full time job. They have 6 kids, two of whom are severely disabled. Roizy, 7, and Leizer, 5, are wheelchair-bound and need oxygen to breathe. Between their treatments, tending to their needs, and the rest of the Katz kids, there is very little time for anything else.

Because of this, father Bentzi has been unable to keep any sort of job. There is always another emergency, another hospital trip, another cry for help which keeps him from working full-time.

This has left the couple, and their 6 kids, in a very difficult financial situation. That is why they are turning to the global Jewish community for help.

They need help to cover their expenses, including rent, as well as treatments for the kids which are not covered by their health insurance. A video message mother Yaffa gives a glimpse into their remarkable story: Roizy has had over 20 surgeries, and neither of their special needs children are either to hear or speak. Pictures of the children on the campaign page show two adorable kids, one with curly black peyos, the other with a blue bow in her hair.

It would pain any parent to think of Roizy & Leizer not having their needs met. Despite their parents best efforts, however, that is the case.

Donations are being collected here to help the Katz family, so Bentzi & Yaffa can focus on giving all of their children the happy, healthy childhood they need. 

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