“I thought we’d be learning less; not more!”

Usually at this point in the school year, the markers come out, and the crossing off days on the calendar begins. The problem is that this year, our children have no end-of-school in sight.

Torah Umesorah’s Pop-up Programs tumbled out at rocket speed, as the reality of ‘homeschool for the rest of the year’ became today’s norm. The Pop-Up Programs are custom designed to be taught in zoom sessions, teleconference classrooms, or for independent learning at home. Programs include Daily Do-It Printables, The Parsha Pak, The Darkei Avos Curriculum, The Daily Avos Challenge, Middos from the Mishnah Program, and Mesillas Yesharim Series. 

Every age range has more than one starring program and finds the curricula embarrassingly addictive! The children who thrived in the old-fashioned four-walled classroom, together with out-of-the box learners, love the hands-on, share-with-your-family, and project experiences. It is all just way too tempting. Don’t tell them you know the truth; these kids are not counting down till the learning ends. 

Choose to sponsor one Pop-Up for all-age Still Shteigers!

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