Exclusive Offer! Free Kvittel in Mezhibuzh @ Baal Shem Tov Through Yad L’Achim
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To our dear friends and supporters, I want to invite you… twice! To fulfill the #1 priority in tzedaka (Shulchan Aruch) giving which is Pidyon Shvuyim – (redeeming of captives) by helping Yad L’Achim rescue trapped women & children before Shavuos…(Many of us were “trapped” in our homes, perhaps so we can appreciate the magnitude of what these women & children are going through) To please join the tefillah @the Baal Shem Tov in Mezhibuzh for free, but hurry, as the deadline is approaching… CLICK HERE or visit www.YadLachim.org or call 1-866-9224 This Erev Shavuos, Merit the Special Segulah of “104” of Rav Chaim Palagi zt”l WATCH A VIDEO OF MICHAL, TELLING HER LIFE’S STORY (WITH A SURPRISE ENDING) – CLICK HERE as this Thursday, Erev Shavuos, Talmidei Chachamim, Messengers of Yad L’Achim, Will Daven For You & Your Loved Ones for SHIDDUCHIM & ALL PERSONAL REQUESTS (no minimum donation required to submit names) In Mezhibuzh, Ukraine, At The Resting Place Of The BAAL SHEM TOV HAKADOSH On the Day of Tefillah for His Yahrtzeit, On EREV SHAVUOS – A GREAT DAY OF SEGULAH You can also help Yad L’Achim save Jewish lives – Pidyon Shvuyim! CLICK HERE OR visit www.YadLAchim.org TO JOIN