Single Mother is Battling for Survival and Needs Your Help!

There is a wonderful mother of three who is in desperate need of help. Two of her children attend a local Orthodox day school in Los Angeles and the oldest is a graduate of Valley Torah High School.


The mother has custody of the children and is bereft with no one to turn to. . There is a plan in place to relocate the family where they can get a fresh start and the cost of living is much more manageable. There are a number of Rabbis, educators, and therapists who are very familiar with the situation and can vouch for the urgency of the matter and the magnitude of the mitzvah. If we can raise $50,000, we can set this family on a solid foundation for success and allow them to be self-sufficient moving forward. The time to act is now.

Help this family TODAY!

Please be generous in your support.

Rabbi A. Stulberger, Dean of Valley Torah High School
Mrs. S. Gross, Principal of Valley Torah Girls High School
Rabbi N. Klien, Rabbi Young Israel of Northridge
Mrs. N. Cohen, LMFT


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