WATCH: Innovative New Visual Learning Program

Watching your child struggle in school is difficult at any time. With the added stress of distance-learning in a distracted home environment, success becomes even more challenging. So many boys are struggling to grasp Gemara and its concepts, whether in their classrooms or at home. But this outcome does not have to be inevitable.

Rabbi Reuven Hoff has created a revolutionary program to help students not only understand the Gemara they are learning, but to master it in a way that they are able to teach it to others. 

Rabbi Hoff’s program, Kinyan Perek, is an innovative interactive shiur which uses visuals to help students grasp the concepts in the Gemara, before they tackle the text. When they are reading the Gemara, the visuals are already well-established in their minds. 

In his series of videos, which can be found on or on, Rabbi Hoff uses both drawings and flash cards with key words to simplify the Gemara and pare it down to the basics for easier assimilation. He covers the entire 10th Perek of Bava Metzia. At the end of each session, students are challenged with a question to connect what they just learned to other concepts in the Torah. Answers are then published on his website, providing students with recognition for their accomplishments.

Another trailblazing feature of the Kinyan Perek program is Picture Anytime, where students are invited to draw the lessons they have learned in a comic book format, with each frame depicting the different parts of the presentation. They can submit their artwork to be published on the website, where other students can benefit from the visuals presented. Connecting in this way to others who will learn from them makes students feel extra proud of their achievements. 

Rabbi Hoff plans to continue producing videos in other perakim being learned in yeshivos once students are back in school. The videos from this perek of Bava Metzia are perfect for those at home this summer. 

Kinyan Perek is also a great educational tool for rebbeim who want to implement a more hands-on approach in their shiurim and help those students who may be falling behind in their distance-learning classes. 

Rebbeim who have brought Rabbi Hoff or his videos into their classrooms (or virtual classrooms) have expressed amazement with how effective they are in helping those students who had previously been uninterested and unmotivated. Even parents have commented to the rebbeim about how excited their sons suddenly seem to be with their learning. 

Rabbi Hoff also offers more intensive one-on-one teaching. 

For more information on both the Kinyan Perek videos and Rabbi Hoff’s one-on-one sessions, visit

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