A Revolutionary Zoom Therapy Meeting in the Frum Community every Sunday Night 10:15pm EST

Approaching its 8th meeting “Let’s get real with Coach Menachem” has been tackling topics that cannot be ignored. Each week hundreds of people log-in to the Sunday night meetings where they can openly discuss problematic emotions and negative psychology that this coronavirus has brought. The meetings are led by Coach Menachem Bernfeld and the visiting therapist from the orthodox world. Each Sunday night at 10:15 pm EST a different topic is addressed, and after a small introduction from the therapists the room is open to whatever questions the group has. Usher Parnes, the creator, and moderator of the group encourages questions that get to the core issues that people are facing during this pandemic.

In the earlier weeks, the meetings were focused on preventing depression and managing overwhelming anxiety. Since then people have adapted from the drastic change due to Covid19. As the times change the therapy zoom meetings have as well. Originally there was a heavy focus on negative psychological symptoms; now that people are calmer and more grounded the perceived threat of the virus is weaker. This change allowed the topics covered in the zoom meetings to get deeper.

Last week Rabbi Shimon Russel LSCW joined the meeting to discuss relationships during a crisis. Many people are left with the ugly behaviors and negative patterns that arose during this time. The virus will leave soon but unless managed well the consequences of familial discord will linger. The therapy meetings adapted from just being an emotional relief haven to a serious discussion on how to navigate some of life’s toughest topics.

This week Dr. Meir Wikler will be joining the conversation. Dr. Wikler is a psychotherapist and family counselor with offices in Lakewood NJ and Brooklyn NY.  He will open the conversation with his broad perspective and focus on Achdus (unity) at this time. The days leading up to Shavuos are a time to be more connected. Only as our nation stood in unity was the Torah given at Sinai. This year the season has proven difficult to be as it symbolizes. The social distancing, self-quarantine that we had to follow and the crisis that we are in did its number on people’s relationships. Dr. Wikler will open next week’s segment by identifying what is easily overlooked and how we can achieve any Achdus that may have been lost.

“Let’s get real with Coach Menachum” does not shy away from sensitive topics. One of the unique parts of the meeting is that stigma or taboo topics in the orthodox community are openly discussed. During the meetings the crushing elephant in the room is identified, addressed, and discussed. The meeting that was initiated as a therapy platform (which it is), has evolved into something more.

Please feel free to reach out directly to Coach Menachem Bernfeld with questions or to schedule a meeting at [email protected]. Please check https://menachembernfeld.com/ for all the recorded meetings and more details on our program.

Please feel free to reach out to Usher Parnes with any sponsorships or if you would like to donate your professional time as a guest on this special chesed program (848) 525-0066

This article was written by:

Daniel Kranz


[email protected]

Daniel is a graduate from Beth Medrash Gavoah and a psychology major at T.U.W

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