Tefillas Hashla Recited by Gedolim at the Kever of the Sheloh Hk’ on Erev Rosh Chosesh Sivan.

Rosh Chodesh Sivan. A time of t’filah. A time to daven for the success of our children to grow to become the b’nai Torah we have been daavening for since they lay there innocently in their crib. For centuries, the Sh’lah’s Tefillah has been recited for our Yiddishe kinder.  Ezer Mizion invites parents and grandparents to send in the names of your children at no cost to be recited at the kever of the Sh’lah by choshuve Talmidei Chachomim to help each precious child experience his own v’haarev nah’ and see yeshuah and hatzlacha ad meod.

Submit your names, FREE here: https://ezermizion.org/sheloh

Join Ezer Mizion on Thursday, May 21st 10am EST (5pm Israeli time), for a live feed of Tefillas Yom Kippur Katan led by Gedolim: R’ Binyomin Finkel Shlit’’a, R’ BaruchMordechai Ezrachi Shlit’’a and R’ Shimon Galai Shlit’’a.

Deadline for submitting names is Wednesday night.

Ezer Mizion is the world’s largest Jewish bone marrow registry saving lives in the U.S., Israel and throughout the world. 

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