Free Beautiful Lucite Asher Yotzar Plaques for Jewish Organizations

During the terrible pandemic that is currently plaguing our world, we are all looking for ways to protect those who are not infected and find zechusim for refuos shleimos for those who unfortunately are. As per Rav’ Chaim Kanievsky, one of the greatest zechusim for health is saying Asher Yotzar with kavanah and reading it rather than reciting it by heart.


What a simple segulah! Yet it can make a world of difference during these tumultuous times. It is because of the great power of this segulah and with R’ Chaim’s message in mind, that the Asher Yotzar project was born.


Geared to help the klal take advantage of this segulah and zechus, almost 5000 of the Asher Yotzar program’s beautiful lucite plaques already hang in various schools, shuls, mikvaos, and other such organizations around the world, including R’ Chaim’s own home.


If you have a shul, school, yeshiva or any other organization and wish to reserve your own Asher Yotzar plaques completely free of charge, please text or email the following information to 718.781.8479 or [email protected]:


Name of your organization

Contact name

Phone number


Number of Plaques needed

Your preferred Nusach of Asher Yotzar (plaques are available in Nusach Ashkenazi, Sefardic, & Ari)





Together, we can spread the zechus of Asher Yotzar.

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