A FREE Service from Ezer Mizion to Klal Yisroel in Light of COVID-19: Send Your Name to R’ Shimon bar Yochai

Lag B’omer at Meron. A mokom of kedusha. A time and place where so many of our t’filos are answered. T’filos for parnassah, for shidduchim, for refuos.

Every year Ezer Mizion transports the elderly and disabled up to the Tzion at Meron. Every year. Year after year. But not this year. Meron will be quiet this year. Because of covid-19, this year we desperately need yeshuos. But because of covid-19, this year we are unable to go to the Tzion where so many yeshuos have taken place.

And so Ezer Mizion is offering the next best thing. If the klal Yisroel cannot go to Meron, we can at least bring their t’filos.

We invite all Yidden to submit their kvitlach at no charge. All bakoshos will be given to g’dolim and  your t’filos will be heard at the kever of R’ Shimon bar Yochai.  May the t’filos of each one of us be answered and may we be zoche to see the final geulah b’korov.

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