Young children witnessed their father go up in flames!

The image of their father in flames will cling to them forever! His desperate cries echo in the void he left!

Erev Pesach, with the Seder table laid, the 3 young Regal children excitedly watched their father burn the Chometz. Neighbors participated from overhanging porches – Sreifes Chometz under quarantine conditions.

Then the unimagable occured

The fire exploded, engulfing Reb Chanoch Regal Zatz”al in a ball of flames, to the horrer of his wife and children! Screaming and howling, his wife, Mrs. Chayelle Regal grabbed a hose to extinguish the flames. As a result of her heroic attempt, she too, was badly burned, sustaining third-degree burns. (Please continue to daven for Chaya Reizel bas Soreh Rivka Alte Gittel) In a whirl of smoke and sirens, Reb Chanoch and his wife were rushed to the ICU with severe third-degree burns!
Tragically, early in the morning of Erev Shabbos Parshas Shmini, 23 Nissan 5780, Reb Chanoch returned his neshamah to his Maker leaving behind 3 young yesomin!

Mrs. Chayelle Regal is a very beloved figure in Eretz Yisrael, famous for the highly-professional and extremely popular English shows, known as Regal Productions. Reb Chanoch Zatzal was a beloved and prominent figure in the community, writing and editing many works including Rabbi Aharon Margalit’s enormously popular books,” As Long As I Live” and “The Impact of As Long as I Live”. He was a hidden tzaddik who dedicated his life to helping others.

Their three young children are left confused, mourning alone at home. Their mother, Chayelle, is hospitalized, fighting to heal from her severe burns. Unfortunately, there’s a long road to recovery – full of pain, surgical procedures and costly treatments.
Reb Chanoch has been being torn from his family prematurely, leaving them fragmented, bewildered, numb.

NOW is the time to GIVE these ORPHANS the strength they need to SURVIVE this ordeal!!! Join now in our efforts (along with Charity Extra UK & The Chesed Fund) to raise $400,000.

DONATE NOW or call 646-504-0240  
“כל המקיים נפש אחת מישראל כאלו קיים עולם מלא”

Young father passes away after children watched him catch fire!

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