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Presenting this Lag Ba’omer: “A film that will make an impact forever!” Rav Gav Friedman

A worldwide (FREE) Lag B’omer virtual event for your entire family
Join the one and only Rav Gav, a world-renowned lecturer, and the host of this worldwide (FREE) Lag B’omer virtual event that your entire family will enjoy! 

One Chance from The Rosh Chodesh Project on Vimeo.

Featuring “One Chance,” a cutting edge short film, especially filmed in Holland with professionally trained actors, teaching a life-altering lesson about Rav Shimon bar Yochai.
 Hear powerful divrei chizuk from Rav Ephraim Eliyohu Shapiro, the Rav of Congregation Shaarey Tefilah of North Miami Beach and one of the most popular lecturers around the world. Enjoy a soul-stirring musical presentation by Simcha Leiner featuring songs never yet performed live. One Chance: A day of (FREE) entertainment, song and chizuk on Lag B’omer, 6:30-8:30pm (EST), Tuesday, May 12. Join tens of thousands who will be inspired by this presentation, from the makers of the Rosh Chodesh Project, a worldwide emuna video curriculum shown in over 220 yeshivos and schools. This program is under the auspices of the Vahashayvosa Foundation, founded three years ago, under the guidance of Torah Umesorah, and endorsed by Rosh HaYeshiva HaRav Aharon Feldman shlita.

HaRav HaGaon Moshe Shternbuch Shlit”a Spoke on the Rosh Chodesh Project and said he gives his Bracha to all those involved!
“All schools should institute the Rosh Chodesh Project!”

Rosh HaYeshiva HaRav Aharon Feldman Shlit”a”

Rav Gav Friedman-“a film that will make an impact forever!”

Rabbi Yaakov Bender when asked to speak about the Rosh Chodesh Project-
“a project that can change the lives of thousands..”  

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