Personal Letter from Rabbi Schlomo Bochner : A Tough Decision

Dear Friend,


When we at Bonei Olam started the V’zakeini campaign, we had no idea that the coronavirus was at our doorsteps.  The first few weeks started off strong. Almost a thousand women signed up the first week, and the signups were building rapidly. Then the coronavirus hit. We didn’t know what would be and we weren’t sure what to do. Should we continue as usual? Or should we pause the campaign? But then I thought of my couples. Sitting at home–a quiet home–without the distractions of children, toddlers, school hotlines or zoom calls, and waiting. Just waiting. They already met with doctors. They already took the tests. They already were approved for treatment. But they are quietly waiting for funds. Even as the economy takes a hit like we haven’t seen in any of our lifetimes, even as past donors are now trying to recoup their losses, even as our largest fundraisers have been postponed, my couples are quietly waiting for a precious light in their life. And so, together with my incredible team, I decided to go ahead with the campaign. In a world of chaos, 18 thousand Jewish women will not only think of themselves, but they will think of their sisters as well, and they will give with an open heart. And what do you know? A little from me and a little from you; and now, we are five thousand strong. Five thousand women is a strong power. Five thousand dollars and five thousand tefillos each week and already we are hearing good news from our couples. But we can do better and we will. You, can still be one of these women. One click (HERE), and you can say “I care” with $1 dollar every week at candle lighting time, and a short prayer while you light those candles– “May the treatments I help cover be effective.” For $1 a week you can buy hope for a childless couple. With your prayers combined with 17,999 others, you can make miracles happen. Let’s open our hearts to another’s pain and help a quiet household ring with the sweet sound of a newborn’s cry. A little something from eighteen thousand women goes a long way.Please click here to sign up. Your friend on a mission,
 Founder and Executive Director
Schlomo Bochner

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