Lakewood: Klal Yisroel Is Reeling From Tragic Petira; R’ Yehuda Aryeh Falik, 39

Once again klal yisroel is reeling from another tragic petira, this time of a yungerman in his high 30s, R’ Yehuda Aryeh Falik a”h. R’ Yehuda Aryeh a”h suffered multiple health issues throughout most of his life as well as various challenges. Despite all of his difficulties, Yehuda Aryeh maintained an ayin tova and would go above and beyond for anyone, especially for his children. Yehuda Aryeh always had a smile and was such a geshmak and easy person to “chap a schmooze” with.


Yehuda Aryeh contracted the corona virus a few weeks ago and was on a respirator for 3 weeks until the Aibeshter decided that it was time to take his neshama back to shamayim.

His four children are now in a desperate situation. Funds are needed to get them the proper help to get through this very trying time.

Please open up your hearts and generously help this suffering family and may HKB”H help you that you and your families should know of no more tzaar.


Zichron Yehuda Aryeh

c/o Cong Gates of Mercy

475 Oberlin Avenue South

Suite 203

Lakewood, NJ 08701

Fund is under auspices of the local askonim listed below:

Chaim Gross

Menashe Frankel

Uri Kahanow

Avi Motechin

Zalmy Sorotzkin

Gershy Tress

Moshe Tress

Yossi Tress

Avi Verschleiser

Noshi Zelikovitz

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