Mazal Was Diagnosed with Cancer. Now Suffering from the Coronavirus, She Has Been on a Respirator for the Past Few Weeks

Dear brothers, my name is Avrohom Elbaz from Yerushalyim.

B’h my wife and i were זוכה to build a beautiful family of 11 amazing children.

B’h we married off 7, and Iy’h we will marry off the other 4.

I was זוכה to be able to sit and learn, while i work in Kiruv and deliver Shiurim all over Eretz Ysrael.

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Our family was like every other family…until 2 years ago on the tragic day that my dear wife Mazal was diagnosed with Cancer.

Our home was turned over in a flash, the nights turned into days, the hospital became our new home while our young children at home waiting for their tatty and mommy.

The financial situation collapsed with no way of earning any income. The whole day every day is devoted for medical attention, and when i have a few minutes i take advantage and give the attention needed to one child and a worm hug to another.

And now with my wife being positive with the Coronavirus, she is on a respirator for the past few weeks. The little life we had is now taken away as well, me and my older sons and busy all day trying to help and care, and when we stand by her side we just cry.

We cry and daven to Hashem to heal her from the double danger she is in, and return our amazing wife and mother to her family.

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Our family is in a total financial crash, we got to the point where we don’t have money to pay for the cab to the hospital.

The expenses are beyond comprehension, with doctors and medicine, transportation and basic household needs. And now medical experts say our younger children will need Psychotherapy to be able to cope with this situation.

My dear brothers! I am pleading from the bottom of my heart, please help my family and help us get through this phase.

In the זכות of you helping, i am sure Hashem will pay you back with much ברכה and you will never experience anything like this in your family.

Please daven and pledge your donation לרפואת מזל בת רחל.

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