Bringing Shabbat Home: Tune In! Join Jews Around The World At 5:30PP EST: Bringing Shabbat Home

Once again, running an amazing program after a first successful program!

We are all in isolation, stuck in our homes, praying and hoping for better news, for this terrible virus to run its course, for an end to all the pain and suffering.

In the meantime, there are so many questions. What can we do from the safety of our four walls? How can we reach out to our sisters and brothers, to let them know they are not alone? What can we do to hasten the end of this virus, to bring the Ultimate Redemption one step closer?

Project Inspire presents Bring Shabbat Home, an opportunity to bring Jews from around the world together to keep Shabbos with enthusiasm and a joyous spirit, the way it was meant to be observed, and “Turn Friday night dinner into Shabbat.”

On Friday, April 17, at 5:30 p.m., Project Inspire will host a Pre-Shabbat live celebration, free of charge, which can be viewed at The event will be hosted by the dynamic Charlie Harary, who combines inspiration, education and entertainment in an unforgettable message. There will be a special intro to candle-lighting by kiruv dynamo Adina Stillerman, as well as live music by Benzion Klatzko and sons. As a bonus, there will be a Friday night guide and checklist to download to help people turn Friday night family dinner into a full Shabbat experience.

Take this opportunity to infuse some spirituality, true family connection and faith in these difficult times. Bring Shabbat Home is exactly what you were waiting for. Join your brothers and sisters from across the globe, who will be bringing Shabbat home, some of them for the very first time.

Now is the time to encourage your friends, neighbors and relatives to Bring Shabbat Home together with you. Don’t miss it!


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