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WATCH: Someday is Today! Let’s be Together for a Simpler Richer Wedding

Let’s take a lesson from the recent Simchos, and make the commitment to change how we will make our Simchos in the future.


2 Responses

  1. I will not sign up for this. I have b”h made over 5 weddings and I’m still paying off my debt. This plan however well-intentioned will go the way of all the other takanas. The Rov started by saying we need to tone down weddings, yet I see fancy gowns, music, photographers, flowers in this clip. The only thing I don’t see is the hall. Making a wedding is an expense, so is buying a car, buying shoes, buying groceries. Why are singling out the hall? Everyone wants their friends and family at their simcha. To take a hall cost x amount of dollars. I heard people saying make the weddings in a nice bar mitzva hall. Perhaps , but such halls aren’t set up to make a wedding. Yes, there are many parts to the wedding that need to be toned down., but if you only pick one piece of the puzzle this plan won’t work. If I had my way I would only invite immediate family to the meal everyone else for dancing. It’s 2020 why are we wasting money on invitations. I would only have a lechayim, no vort or tenayim. Then you have the 5,000 dollar watch and the 5,000 dollar shaitel and 7,000 dollar shtramiel and thousands of dollars on other gifts. Who needs such expensive gifts. I’m sure anyone who made a wedding can add to this list. Before I forget I have to go to my third job to help support my son in law in kollel.

  2. Are these Rabbonim going to refuse to be mesader any wedding not following publicized guidelines?
    Will they get other rabbonim and Roshei Yeshiva on board to make the same rule?
    Will it include even large donors and board members?
    Let’s see that before videos are made!

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