Try Netspark’s Advanced Internet Filter Free for Your Entire Family

 Your kids being home all day means an increase in screen time, especially with schools themselves transitioning to online education. It also means it’s that much harder to control how much time your children spend on devices and what type of content they are exposed to.

Children will inevitably be more bored during this period, which can lead to additional curiosity and exploration. Internet consumption as a whole can be a highly addictive experience with ever-increasing time spent online. Your family is spending more time at home, but are they safe?

How can you protect your family? 

Netspark, a pioneer in the internet filtering industry for the last 14 years, provides a comprehensive filtering solution for computers, smartphones and tablets for both iOS, Android and Windows devices. Netspark’s application will  continuously look out for your family’s well-being, blocking not just schmutz, but any content that you deem inappropriate, for an easily customizable array of 42 categories and configurable levels of protection.

Internet url blocker or does it filter?

A major advantage over other filters, Netspark doesn’t just block entire websites, it also filters inappropriate content from within permitted websites and videos in real time using advanced artificial intelligence technology. Therefore, it allows permitted content and enables you to use the internet safely.  Advanced screen time capabilities allow you to decide how much time a child can spend on a specific app, or online in general, all remotely from your own device.

Since Netspark is installed on the devices themselves, it allows you to control the device’s content even if a child leaves the house, with advanced uninstall-prevention settings to ensure the filter is not  removed.

The company prides itself for its professional customer support, assisting clients with installation and configuring their settings whenever necessary. They have thoroughly upgraded their infrastructure to support the increased demand and usage during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Alongside superior capabilities and features, Netspark is also one of the most affordable options in the industry, with prices 30% more affordable than competitors. The service offers a variety of plans, including family and group plans, allowing multiple devices to each get filtered for just a few dollars a month.

Free Trial

Try Netspark for a 30 day completely free, no-obligation trial, and see how the service can help you protect your family and control what, when, and how much internet and screen time your family can consume.

Get Started with Netspark Now

One Response

  1. “enables you to use the internet safely”

    Internet access is /inherently/ unsafe. The only question is /how/ unsafe.

    No filter can be 100% effective. And even if one could, a determined enough individual can always find a way around. While various filtering/blocking/monitoring offerings may very well offer a considerable degree of protection, one must be ever aware and vigilant of their limitations. Being lulled into a false sense of security, and serving as the “hechsher”/catalyst for bringing internet access to an individual, household, organization, location, etc. that otherwise would not have it/ could manage without it, are two perils that must never be overlooked, ignored or belittled.

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