35 Yungerleit from Chutz Laaretz are Stuck in Eretz Yisroel and Need OUR Help to Make Pesach!

35 choshuver yungerleit, English speaking were stranded away from their families like many others in Eretz Yisroel for this Pesach
הבא עלינו לטובה.
If ח”ו we haven’t yet had the גאולה many of these young newly married couples will be spending פסח alone and will have to cook the full יו”ט and buy just the basics all alone.
From basic פסח כלים, to Wine, Matzo & Meat.
We need to raise $20,000 amongst these 35 yungerleit will allow each to receive 2000 Israeli shekel to buy some new פסח כלים, the wine, matzo and meat to have an enjoyable Yom tov in the best way possible in their current situation and feel just like every other family making פסח.
Unfortunately, due to the late cancellation of their flights and the dire funds needed by everyone they won’t be receiving from other קמחא דפסחא.

One Response

  1. How can you use such a term “stuck in Eretz Yisrael”? I can understand that these people have found themselves in an unfortunate situation (similar to hundred of others in America” but to use such language as if they are stranded in some third world country? How many of our forefathers would have given their last dime to be “stuck in E”Y”? How many thousands over the last 2,000 years have yearned with tears in their eyes just to see E”Y? Stuck?!

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