WATCH:We Are In a CRISIS, Bikur Cholim is Stepping Up to Help All Families Affected

We are in A CRISIS: Bikur Cholim-Guardians of the Sick are stepping up to help all families affectedWe cant turn ANYONE away!In these trying times, we turn to you, Acheinu Bnei Yisroel, to partner with us and help our brethren who are suffering financially and literally do not have the means to prepare for the upcoming Yom Tov.
We are being inundated with calls for help from families in our very own backyards, almonos and yesomim in our neighborhood, fathers and mothers of large families, who have been laid off from their jobs, families suffering from abuse and dysfunction, and the list goes on and on.
The Ribbono Shel Olam will look at Klal Yisroel and see that they are taking care of His children and He will surely be merachem on us all and transform this time of darkness to one of light and bring the Geulah Shleima.
THE TIME IS NOW! PLEASE DONATE to our cause and in this zechus, may the Ribbono Shel Olam grant us all a happy and healthy Pesach. Thank you!Rabbi Avi Fishof, CEO
Some of the programs we offer:• State-of the-art Medical Equipment Free Loans• Medical Equipment Free Loan• Medical Relief Program• Chevra Kadisha Services• A fully stocked Bikur Cholim hospitality room at Brooklyn’s Methodist Hospital.• Family Crisis Intervention Program• Chayeinu After-school services• Ezer L’cholim Holocaust Programs

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