Revolutionary New App is Getting Tehillim Completed 1,000s of Times a Day

Leilui Nishmat Avraham Ben Pauline A’H

We turn to it in times of need. When a loved one is sick. When we feel alone, when we need hope. When we need the strength to push forward, to overcome.


Instilling hope even in the darkest of times. Abraham’s Legacy – Tehillim Together, is a place you can go to feel connected to the global world through the power of Tehillim.

DOWNLOAD NEW Tehillim App – Abraham’s Legacy – Tehillim Together providing an opportunity to unite the world through the power of Tehillim in an extraordinary way.

Why Now?

Connect with the world in tefillah. As we all know the Corona Virus is impacting the lives of every single person around the world in one way or another. Now, more than ever we can see first hand how powerfully we are all interconnected. The Corona Virus knows nothing of discrimination, it doesn’t care about the color of your skin, your religion, your ethnicity or background. As such, it’s important to join together as one world recognizing that what impacts one person, impacts us all.

Enter – Abraham’s Legacy – Tehillim Together. 

Supercharge your Tehillim reading and DOWNLOAD this amazing NEW tehillim app – Abraham’s Legacy – Tehillim Together. Collectively complete the book of Tehillim 1000’s of times a day with the entire world. Track in real time how many perakim are read, sefarim completed, people and countries reading.

About Abraham’s Legacy

Abraham’s Legacy: a social network for a prayer. 

When we hear the news that someone is in need of prayers, before we know it someone has created a WhatsApp group, or Tehillim Chain distributing chapters to everyone that wants to take part. “You take chapter 10, I’ll take chapter 20, who wants chapter 52?” But let’s be honest, we never know whether people truly completed their chapter and it can become tedious to constantly send daily reminders to your groups. Plus, our inboxes are full as it is and messages can get lost in the shuffle. When someone’s life hangs in the balance, tehillim can make a HUGE difference. 

Enter Abraham’s Legacy – for all of your Tehillim needs. 

Never worry about breaking up the book of tehillim again. With Abraham’s Legacy you can collectively complete the book of tehillim thousands of times a day with the entire world. Simply tap to pray and Abraham’s Legacy – Tehillim Together will distribute to you the next perek in the global count. See real time stats of how many perakim have been read, how many sefarim have been completed, countries praying and people praying.

Plus, with Abraham’s Legacy you can set daily reminders to pray. 

Want to complete the book of tehillim for a friend or loved one? Create your own private tehillim circle with an individualized link to invite friends and family to join you in tefillah. Chat with members of your circle and update them about the status of the person you’re praying for.

Keep track of who’s read the most daily and weekly on the global leaderboard and each of your individual circle leaderboards. 

Simply want to read a given perek? Check out the side menu bar with Tehillim broken down in various ways and by categories making it easy to access at any time, anywhere. 

Check out Verses by Name – Otiot Neshama – type in the name of the person you want to pray for and the app will generate specific pesukim based on their name.

Tefillah changes us, makes us stop and take a closer look and who we are, who we want to become. When we change, our world changes.

How you can get involved

There are many ways you can get involved in this exciting Tehillim movement during such an necessary time in our history: 

DOWNLOAD the app and share with friends and family – available on iTunes and Android in English, Hebrew, Spanish and French.

Giving a Class? Running a virtual concert? Supercharge your session by ending off with a powerful Call to Action and unite your virtual audience in tefillah. Share your screen and show our short 1 minute video, so your community can download the app and take part in a few minutes of Tehillim before heading off. Think about how many more books of tehillim can be completed in MINUTES!

Involve your Community or Organization: Have a large community? Help us spread the word by sending out an email or WhatsApp blast and posting up on social media about Abraham’s Legacy – Tehillim Together. Give your community an amazing resource. 

Share Your Story: Have an amazing story of how tefillah has impacted your life? Share your story with us by emailing to [email protected] 

Abraham’s Legacy: A Social Network for Prayer

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