Desperate call! We must act now! to establish the emergency fund for the family of Reb Binyomin ZT”L

Brooklyn, NY – The world is grief stricken from these nonstop immeasurable tragedies. Every time we check the news, there are additional deaths in our community, additional tragedies. More pain, more sorrow, and it all just sounds like a never-ending nightmare. Nevertheless, every single death is an immense catastrophe which devastates an entire family.

However, the passing of this great gaon and tzadik Harav Binyomin Abramowitz has been an inconceivable shock to the community. We are dumbstruck.  Our community is being hammered! We are in deep distress over this incomprehensible tragedy!

An exceptional individual, a giant in Torah and in Middos, a Sofer Sta”m, beloved by all- R’ Binyomin Rabinowitz Z”L, just 42 years old with no prior health conditions, was torn away from us by the relentless Coronavirus, leaving behind his wife a renowned Mechaneches, and eight children, five of whom are still at home!

Brokenhearted and shattered, they had to bury their father at this young age, but now they are dealing with the fallout. “How will we ever cope without you?” his family is weeping, “Who will help us in our time of need? Who will console us in this time of desperation?”

Klal Yisroel cannot and will not let them suffer. Klal Yisroel cannot and will not ignore them.

The holy Reb Akiva Eiger Zt”l wrote in a letter during the Cholera plague, that Tzedaka is the only thing that will save people from the plague. He demanded that everyone give, and that the wealthy people give even more.

Klal Yisroel has to come together and push ourselves past our limits! Desperate times calls for desperate measures. We must all come together to help this family and set them up with a Keren Yesomim.


An emergency campaign has been launched to set up a Keren Yesomim Fund, which will give this shattered family the financial backing they will need to cope during these tumultuous times, and after all the dust settles. Let’s give it our all.

Your generous donation will spare this family any additional grief of financial difficulties. Now when their life is in turmoil, let’s ease the financial burden from their backs.

Please Click on this link to help this family with your generous donation.

In this z’chus may Hashem spare you and your loved ones from any grief, and may this z’chus finally rid us from this terrible decree, and remove this virus once and for all from the world.


One Response

  1. This is so moving. Yet I cannot understand how there are people at the levaya and qqquite a few. MIND BOGGLING the man died from this virus and the instructions continue to be ignored. Please please YWN can you give us a hint so we can understand how you are apealing to our hearts and yet displaying pictures which are a gross disregard of instructions clearly given. R.S.O! when will this stop?

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