Reliably Sell Your Chametz Online with the Bais HaVaad

In light of the extreme social restrictions enforced due to the COVID-19 pandemic, The Bais HaVaad of Lakewood has announced that they will be conducting a full Mechiras Chametz online for anyone in the world.

Typically, the process of authorizing a shaliach to sell your chametz is accompanied by a kinyan suddar (with a pen, handkerchief, or some other utensil). This kinyan is not used to actually effect the sale, but to appoint the attending Rav as your shaliach in the sale to the non-Jew. In lieu of that kinyan, the Bais HaVa’ad has included special language to this year’s form.

The preferred practice is to conduct the authorization to sell one’s chametz in person, leading poskim have unanimously ruled that one should not do so in these extraordinary circumstances.

Use the official mechiras chametz form to sell your Chametz with the Bais HaVa’ad.

For more information, please contact the Bais HaVa’ad office at:


Phone Number: 1.888.485.8223

Email: [email protected]

About the Bais HaVaad


With over 50 Dayanim, Poskim, and Kollel members – a group of some of the most accomplished Talmidei Cha­chamim in the United States today- the Bais HaVaad has become the epicenter for the study and analysis of Hala­cha and its application in today’s world. The Bais HaVaad Kehilla Division provides a full suite of business halacha services to kehillos nation-wide. From contracts and partnership agreements to heter iskas, wills, and shabbos arrangements, ensuring that a halachic life is fully accessible and practical for all.


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