Carrying on the Rosh Hayeshiva Ztl’s legacy

The Plutchok mishpacha appreciates the overwhelming outpouring of emotion and heartfelt messages regarding the Rosh Yeshiva זצ”ל.

The Rebbetzin expressed that there was nothing more important to the Rosh Yeshiva than החזקת התורה. He put in tremendous כוחות to fundraise in order to support the yungeleit of Yeshiva Derech Chaim. This cause was constantly on his mind and always so close to his heart. With Pesach approaching, especially this year, with the current desperate situation, it is crucial that we continue the Rosh Yeshiva’s efforts. People can donate to the Kollel of Yeshiva Derech Chaim, לעלוי נשמת ר’ ישראל יחזקאל בן יואל הלוי.

With your generous support the kollel yungeleit will be able to celebrate Yom Tov and continue to learn and שטייג.

The Kollel has an annual budget of $250,000 and Pesach and the Yomim Noraim are the two major fundraising times. Being that the Rosh Yeshiva זצ”ל is no longer with us, your generous support can help make this year’s campaign successful.

May the נשמה of  ר’ ישראל יחזקאל בן יואל הלוי have an aliya, and may we all merit the גאולה שלמה במהרה בימינו…..

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