Hashem wants to bring Moshiach. But he needs your help now!

We live in uncertain, tumultuous times.As families struggle with the COVID-19 upheaval, Hashem is with us, sharing the pain and suffering.

As much as we are waiting on the yeshuah, Hashem is looking to His beloved children, hoping we will step up our Emunah in Him, our interpersonal compassion for one another, and our commitment to recognizing the silver lining.

The yeshuah is in your thanks!

YOU can make the difference and hasten the salvation Hashem and His nation need.

YOU can generously donate your concentration, your focus, your heartfelt kavanah and your time.

YOU can raise your thanks up— and bring the house down.

YOU can join your fellow Jews and give Hashem 100,000 thank yous by Pesach.

YOU can show the malachim that Hashem is right: His children never despair, never doubt, and never stop thanking His name.

This is NOT a campaign for money.

This is NOT a fundraiser.

This is a FaithRaiser.

Say Thank You Hashem.

Post your daily story here.

And help hasten the geulah.

Thank You Hashem for Moshiach!


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