Enhance your Pesach with Yeshivat Yishrei Lev’s innovative Self Study Guide!

Yeshivat Yishrei Lev in TelzStone, Israel, is excited to present this year’s edition of “Hilchos Pesach B’Pesach”! This Sefer is formatted in an original, daily, self-study style. Starting from Rosh Chodesh Nissan through the last days of Pesach, the Sefer presents a daily “Sugya” with guided “Mareh Mekomos” for both the layman, Yeshiva Bachur, and Talmid Chacham. All of the important and significant topics relating to our celebration of Pesach are covered, exposing the reader to the beauty of the “Lomdus” of Pesach, Chol HaMoed, and Sefiras HaOmer. This is the perfect way for Chavrusos and/or parents and children to gain their own in-depth analysis of these critical topics at their own pace and level.

Many days include hyperlinks to video Shiurim that introduce the Sugya of the day. In addition, the Sefer features an organized guide to Mishna Berura Hilchos Pesach that helps the readers navigate the many varied Halachos they wishe to study.

This Sefer has become a staple of Pesach related learning for hundreds over the past decade, distributed both to Yishrei’s Talmidim and alumni for Bein HaZmanim learning, as well as distributed in communities across North America and Israel. This year, in the spirit of Social Distancing, we are presenting the Sefer here in PDF form for you to download and enjoy. Please click here for the Sefer: https://yishrei.org/torah/?page=lecture&shiurID=950429&teacherFullName=Rabbi-Moshe-Gordon-Rabbi-Mickey-Ellman-Rabbi-Eli-Pielet&shiurTitle=Pesach-Kuntres-5780 

In addition, feel free to enjoy two other series of audio Shiurim given by the Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Moshe Gordon; “Understanding the Seder” and “Insights into Maggid”, both available at www.yishrei.org/torah 

Yishrei Lev is a premier post- high school Yeshiva in Eretz Yisrael for Bnei Torah and Bnei Aliya who wish to experience the combination of intense high level Talmud Torah and the warmth of deep personal guidance from world renowned Rabbeim. To learn more about Yishrei, please visit www.yishrei.org. 

This project is one example of Yishrei’s 10 years of “Raising the Bar!” 

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