Real Learning: Virtual Pesachim Yarchei Kallah To Begin Tuesday

The world may have come to a standstill, but Yidden are taking advantage to do what matters most and generate zechusim for klal Yisrael. Now, you can prepare for Pesach and learn the first sugyos in Pesachim b’iyun like never before.

The Virtual Pesachim Yarchei Kallah is slated to begin on Tuesday, March 24, with a live broadcast shiur pesicha from HaRav Mordechai Linzer, shlit”a, and will continue with a daily shiur by world-renowned maggidei shiur including Rav Yosef Elefant shli”ta, Rav Moshe Aaron Friedman shlit’a, Rav Sholom Kaminetsky shli”ta and others.

Participants will have access to the live shiurim and ma’reh mekomos that will be made available prior to every shiur. Playback shiurim will be available as well, and chavrusa’s will be matched up if requested. 

To join free of charge, please email [email protected]. If you’d like a chavrusa please specify when you’d like to learn, for how long, and anything about your learning that may be relevant. 

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