Looking for direction during these trying times?

We’re living in trying times. The Coronavirus pandemic is on all of our minds, affecting each one of us in profound ways. As time goes on, the question grows stronger and stronger – what does Hashem want from us? What’s the message behind this unprecedented challenge? While there’s no one answer, a unique take on the situation could help us answer the question for ourselves.

Join Rav Reuven Leuchter, as he explores the message behind this global pandemic, in a free weekly Webinar series beginning this Thursday night (3/19) through May 21st. The Webinar series will take place on Thursday nights at 10:30pm EDT. 

Rav Leuchter is a talmid muvhak of the revered Mashgiach, Rav Shlomo Wolbe zt”l, and a leading baal mussar in our generation. Rav Leuchter spent many years learning with Rav Wolbe b’chavrusah, thereby acquiring his unique approach to chinuch along with a keen sense of how to apply Torah ideals to everyday life.

His unique ability to understand people coupled with his grasp of Rav Yisrael Salanter’s hadracha in mussar has gained him a reputation as being one of today’s foremost authorities on chinuch.

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