25 Hours… and 10K Batay Yisroel

10K Batay Yisroel is a project rooted in a horrific accident and the reaction of two ordinary– but extraordinary– families who transcended that tragedy and transformed it into an incredible organization. Yisroel Levin a”h and Elisheva Kaplan a”h, were engaged and preparing to build their own Bayis Bi’yisroel when a terrible car accident took them from us and left the world a smaller place. At their levaya, R’ Shaya Levin beseeched that in exchange for these pure souls, 10,000 shidduchim be made. 10K Batay Yisroel was then created in order to make R’ Levin’s request a reality.

The goal of 10K is to unite the klal and empower the individual to join the effort in creating ten thousand shidduchim, one suggestion at a time. Last year, 10k was privileged to host an event that was watched, both live and around the globe, over ten thousand times. The speakers,including Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro and Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff, imparted the importance and significance of each shidduch suggestion.

The feedback received regarding the impact of the event and all 10k activities is constant and continuously reinforces the need for inspiration and guidance in the realm of redting shidduchim. Since the inception of the organization, 10,943 shidduch suggestions have been logged; 1,553 first dates have been facilitated; and 103 engagements and future Batay Yisroel BE”H will be established in memory of the home we lost.

The organization is committed to make another event this year and it is only with your help that it will be possible. Over these twenty-five very special hours of purim, we are asking you to donate $25 and together reach our goal of $10,000 in order to make an event of the same caliber to last year a reality.

Please help in building future Batay Yisroel by joining the Purim Campaign at: 10KBatayYisroel.org/PURIM

Event sponsorship opportunities available email [email protected] for details (sponsors to be included on all event materials)

Tax ID: 83-4319211

Below: Read some of the incredible feedback we’ve received & feel free to share the flyer! Full list of engagement stories can be read at 10KBatayYisroel.org/10K-stories and general feedback at 10KBatayYisroel.org/feedback


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