Rabbi Yechiel Spero’s Special Purim Message – Stop the Talking in Shul!

Prior to Yom Kippur, we make all types of Kabbalos to better ourselves and help us achieve a positive outcome in our yearly judgment. Our very lives depend on it.

Purim provides an even greater opportunity. Chazak reveal that Yom Ki’Purim is a day that is “like Purim”. This means that Purim is the ultimate day of prayer, even greater than Yom Kippur. With a firm commitment to Stop The Talking In Shul, we can effect change and facilitate yeshuos and refuos for all of Klal Yisroel!

Watch this MUST SEE video and on Purim and beyond you will soar to the greatest of heights.

If you haven’t yet made the kabbalah, now is the time to do so. If you have, then strengthen that kabbalah, share the opportunity with others and Iy”H, we will marvel as “Revach ve’hatzalah yaamod la’Yehudim!”

Ah freilichen Purim!

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