Those Who Donate to the Building of a Mikveh Merit Yeshuos Above and Beyond the Laws of Nature

There are many stories of yeshuos associated with donating toward the building of a mikveh taharah. In fact, Gedolei Yisrael throughout the generations have paskened that if necessary, a community must sell its sefer Torah – and even its shul – in order to build a mikveh. In the words of the Chofetz Chaim, zy”a, “Tzedakah for the building of a mikveh is the greatest tzedakah of all, preceding even the building of a shul, the purchase of a sefer Torah, and all other mitzvos!”

Signed, Sealed & Delivered

Mr. and Mrs. P. from the Jerusalem area had been married for over 15 years, but had not yet been blessed with children. The doctors made it clear that it was physically impossible for them to ever have children together, but Mr. and Mrs. P. refused to accept the doctors’ verdict.

About two years ago, in Kislev of 5778, at the advice of a close friend, the couple decided to extend themselves and sponsor the new mikveh being built by the Merkaz L’Taharat Ha’Mishpacha in the town of Tzafririm, in the Judea region. This friend had said that many childless couples had been blessed with children after contribuing a significant sum – well beyond their means – on behalf of the Merkaz L’Taharat Ha’Mishpacha. Those couples, he said, had merited a miraculous yeshua that same year, above and beyond the laws of nature – middah kneged middah. 

The couple came to the offices of Merkaz L’Taharat Ha’Mishpacha and committed to a very large sum, which they paid in monthly installments. They then proceeded to sign a bona fide contract, which linked their donation to the yeshua they were anticipating.

Exactly one year later, in Kislev 5779, the wonderful news was announced: The P. Family had been blessed with twins!

Mr. P.: “Every month, a payment for Taharat Ha’Mishpacha is withdrawn from my account – but I also withdraw money for infant formula and diapers! Honestly, I don’t know where we’d be today without the donation to Merkaz L’Taharat Ha’Mishpacha. 

The story of the P. family made a deep impression on Itzik and Efrat Chori from Beit Shemesh. They have been married for 20 years, and are still waiting to be blessed with children. After trying all possible fertility treatments, they went to Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita and begged him to bless them with zera shel kayama. Rav Chaim advises many childless couples to donate to a mikveh, because, he says, “Mikveh is pirya v’reviya,” and he likewise advised the Choris to take upon themselves to build a new, beautiful mikveh in a place where none existed previously.

The Choris undertook to build the mikveh in the town of Zohar. At the moment, construction of the mikveh is underway, but the couple are unable to finance it all on their own. They are now turning to YOU to help them fulfill their dream, by donating as much as you can to finish the mikveh.

By donating to the mikve in Zohar you will be accomplishing two goals: helping Itzik and Efrat merit a yeshuah; and receiving your own portion in the eternal merit of establishing a new mikveh taharah.

Don’t miss this opportunity!

To donate click HERE

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