The Breathtaking Hidden Story of Esther as our Guide in the Footsteps of Mashiach

This video is meant for WOMEN ONLY!

The Scroll of Esther: A Secret Teaching Tale for the Evolving Feminine

With Rebbitzen Tamar Taback

Powerful insights, tools and inspiration into cultivating an incredible marriage or marriage-to-be



Why Purim is the cosmic switch-point into our Era and holds within it the secrets of Redemption

Why the salvation (then and now!) had to come about through a woman

And Why Rising into your femininity is the order of the day!



The three phases of all relationships

How to detangle from enmeshment so that you can choose to love

And when and how to appropriately exert your feminine influence


Touch on:

The inner meaning of the Oral Law as a woman, the joys of motherhood as balanced with your own development, cultivating your Emuna and why it is important to keep on learning


All through the Megilla itself, with classical, Chassidic and mystical sources.  Source sheets, diagrams and community forum included.


All in a single 1 hour and 50 minute session integrated with emotional and psychological tools

At the Nexus School of Transformational Torah for Women, where the light of Torah meets your life.

 “I encourage Jewish women to deepen their connection to Torah well past their years in Seminary…” R’ Moshe Hillel Hirsh, Rosh Yeshiva of Slabotka

“I hope that women will have the wisdom to take advantage of this opportunity…” Rebbitzen Tzipora Heller

*Special for Purim!! It’s Free!! (Offer expires on Purim)

Enter coupon code itsmybirthday when you sign up

For spiritual and aspiring Jewish women


p.s. Did you know that Carona means Crown??

Understand the difference between Vashti’s and Esther’s crowns and why this is key, now …

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