The Siyum Live! – The Momentum Continues

Celebrating and Perpetuating the Ahavas Hatorah of The Siyum

The Siyum. The name alone evokes the feelings of our passion and our pride as we all joined together at the greatest expression of k’vod Shamayim in modern times. 

Although the event of The Siyum has passed – The Siyum still lives on. As Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky emotionally said as he made the hadran, a Siyum is not about completing, but starting anew. Beginning the next step of learning is an integral part of a Siyum celebration. 

Indeed, The Siyum has inspired unprecedented Torah learning, with hundreds of thousands around the world now learning Daf Yomi. And now we join to celebrate this explosion of Torah learning – and the continuation of The Siyum’s power.

The refrain “Did you learn the Daf yet today?” is becoming all the more common, as is the nationwide unity it evokes and promotes. From New York to Norway, from London to Leningrad – the pages we cherish link and unify us all. 

Join us on Motzaei Shabbos in celebrating the completion of one Masechta – and the commencement of another and tune in live from 9 p.m to 11 p.m. at and be a part of this monumental celebration.

Hosted by the one and only R’ Elchonon Schwartz and Rabbi Avi Schnall, Director of Agudah New Jersey, the event will feature the debut of the Song of Brachos by R’ Yossi Glieberman, whose compositions have been viewed by tens of thousands. With live musical entertainment by R’ Sruly Werdyger and R’  Shloimy Taussig and accompanied by Yaakov Zienes, participants will be transported back to the inspiration of January 1. And you definitely don’t want to miss the amazing Reb Shlomo Hadarshan who will usher in the Purim season with his world-renowned humor. .

The event will also feature live stories from leading Maggidei Shiur to inspire us all to hold onto our passion for Torah.

We’ll be tuning into the Lakewood Siyum for the Hadran recited by HaRav Malkiel Kotler Shlita and live singing by Shloimy Daskal.

The live Siyum event is not just about Daf Yomi, but the broader Torah learning that is rippling its way through our midst. In accordance with the theme of The Siyum – Ki Heim Chayeinu – and under the leadership of the Agudah, various learning initiatives are inspiring the world towards Kvias Itim l’Torah – making learning an integral part of our life.

Through Chavrei Hasiyum, Masmidei Hasiyum and the Daf Yomi Chaburah Initiative, tens of thousands of Lomdim are learning all over the world. And, other programs such as Amud Hashavuah, Kinyan Masechta, Shivti, and more, whether through live Shiurim and chaburos or digital ones, through worn paper pages and slim tablets, Klal Yisroel is being Mechazek themselves in Kinyan Torah.

And then, join the revolution as we begin Maseches Shabbos on Sunday, March 8 at 10:30 a.m.

In person in Flatbush or live online, join L’Iiluei Nishmas Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz ZT”L and hear Divrei Chizuk from Rabbi Eytan Feiner, Rabbi Nosson Scherman’s Siyum on Brachos, and R’ Sruly Bornstein’s beginning of Maseches Shabbos. Take part in the largest Daf Yomi shiur which will stream online on all major media outlets. 

And of course, Join the live Siyum on This Motzei Shabbos Parshas Tetzaveh Right Here!

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