Making Partner is Easier Than You Think

By: Sandy Eller 

If Steve Savitsky had to correct one misconception about becoming a Partners in Torah mentor, it would be the notion that only seasoned educators are qualified to convey Judaism’s richness to a fellow Jew. 

“When I first started encouraging people to volunteer with Partners in Torah, they would tell me they didn’t know enough, but the truth is most people know far more than they realize,” Savitsky told Jewish Action. “Of course it’s important to study something, but the main part of being a mentor is to share things about your life – why you light candles on Friday night, why you keep kosher, why you devote so much of your income to educating your kids.” 

As chairman of Partners in Torah, Savitsky is passionate about the program that asks volunteers to donate their time, not their money, with a 30 minute, once-a-week phone conversation.  While he acknowledges that most people lead extraordinarily busy lives, Savitsky is adamant that anyone can carve half an hour out of their weekly schedule to enrich the life of another Jew.

“So many of us go through life as observant Jews and never stop and think how fortunate we are to lead religious lives,” said Savitsky.  “Those of us who have had the benefit of a Jewish education and a religious upbringing possess the tools to positively impact the lives of others.”  

Hedge fund veteran David Magerman is one of Partners in Torah’s many success stories. Drifting away from the Conservative Judaism of his childhood, Magerman was reintroduced to his religious roots after marrying his wife, Debra, who wanted to keep a kosher home. A trip to Israel further piqued his interest and, following a friend’s advice, Magerman called Partners in Torah in 2004. The rest, as they say, is history, and Magerman is renowned for his philanthropic efforts that support Jewish education nationwide.

Among the over 76,000 people who have participated in Partners in Torah are some well-known names, including actress Mayim Bialik and her Partner in Torah, Allison Josephs, creator of Jew in the City and and Project Makom.  As Bialik progressed in her learning, she proudly proclaimed her religious observance, her refusal to work on Jewish holidays inspiring others to do the same.

More often than not, Partners in Torah mentors are typical members of the observant Jewish community, who like their students, go on vacations, read books, travel and play ball with their kids. Because they hail from all walks of life and have shared experiences with their students, they have what it takes to not only be role models but also to forge the personal connections that are essential for the student-mentor relationship. As Partners in Torah founder and CEO Rabbi Eli Gewirtz emphasizes, the program’s primary focus is to help all Jews build a proud, lifelong connection to Judaism.  To that end, Partners in Torah will be launching an ambitious campaign this month to recruit thousands of new participants, increasing its staff and services to accommodate new mentors and help them in their journeys in learning with their students. Along with a digital library filled with study materials, mentors will have access to Partners in Torah staff who will be able to offer guidance and address any questions or concerns that may arise.

Rabbi Gewirtz recognizes that some people may be reluctant to become mentors because they may not know the answers to questions that might arise during conversations with their students.

“There is nothing wrong with telling someone ‘That’s a great question. I don’t know the answer, but I’ll do some homework and get back to you,’” observed Rabbi Gewirtz.

Rabbi Gewirtz describes the student-mentor partnership as a match made in heaven, connecting those who have Torah knowledge with others who are eager to learn more. 

“So many Jews today are looking for a connection to Judaism and if we’re not there for them, they will look elsewhere,” said Rabbi Gewirtz. “In just 30 minutes a week, you can make all the difference in another Jew’s life and help shape the Jewish future.” 

Learn with a fellow Jew for 30 minutes a week and help shape the Jewish future. Sign up at

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