78 Years of Purity

How the former Rav of Denver Planted the Seeds for a Taharah Revolution in Eretz Yisrael

One night Rabbi Efrayim Zalman Halpern, zt”l, was walking along a deserted street in Denver, Colorado. He realized that a large truck had pulled up next to the kosher meat factory at the end of the road. Despite the darkness, Rabbi Halpern could make out a few shadowy figures passing huge crates over the fence and into the factory yard. 

Rabbi Halpern stopped short and looked on in amazement at the scene unfolding before his eyes; the factory was under his hashgachah! The local Jews trusted him implicitly and purchased the meat products without hesitation. He had earned that trust by taking all necessary precautions to ensure the kashrus of the factory. The keys to the factory were sitting safely in his pocket.  He’d been confident that by taking such a step, he had full control over the comings and goings of the factory. Now, he realized that the factory owners had been fooling him. Rabbi Halpern’s worst fears were actualized, and the Jews of Denver were eating non-kosher meat.

Rabbi  Halpern didn’t hesitate and announced that he’d witnessed a clear breach in kashrus. He removed his supervision from the factory but was so devastated that following this incident refrained from ever eating meat again. 

Rabbi Halpern resigned from his position, packed his bags and moved to  Eretz Yisrael, settling in Yerushalayim. During one of his daily visits to the Kosel Hamaaravi, Rabbi Halpern met the  Zvhiller Rebbe, Reb Shlomke Goldman zy”a. He told the Rebbe the story that led to his resignation as Rav of Denver. He asked the Rebbe for advice on how to accomplish his deepest desire to increase kedusha in Eretz Yisrael

The Rebbe quickly answered, ” Build Mikvahs across the country, and you will increase kedusha in Eretz Yisrael.”  Rabbi Halpern accepted the Rebbe’s advice, and together with his good friend, Rabbi Yehoshua Levi, zt”l,  established Merkaz L’Taharat Ha’Mishpacha. Since its founding, over seventy-eight years ago,  the organization has continuously and consistently been promoting purity among Am Yisrael, by building over one thousand Mikvahs across Eretz Yisrael.

It is difficult to fathom, but even in 2020, there are many communities in Israel without a functioning Mikvah. Other communities have an old run-down off-putting premise that is barely functioning.

Undisputable fact:  Merkaz L’Taharat Ha’Mishpacha continually receives phone calls, posts, and messages from irreligious and traditional women. They report that due to the decrepit state of the local Mikvah, they are refraining from keeping the halachos. 

Proven fact:  Mikvahs that are beautiful and provide a positive experience lead to an upsurge in women keeping the mitzvah of taharah.  

An additional point to consider when constructing and\or renovating a Mikvah is the fact that in Israel, all brides must be taught the halachos before receiving a marriage license from the Israeli Rabbinate. Brides must visit the Mikvah before marriage.  A bride who has a positive pre-nuptial experience has a higher chance of implementing the mitzvah in her married life. 

To date, the construction costs of a Mikvah in Israel amount to  NIS 2 million ($584,000). Renovation expenses of an existing mikveh run  between NIS 500,000 and NIS 600,000 ($145,000 – $175,000). 

The Humble Beginnings of A Success Story


Merkaz L’Taharat Ha’Mishpacha – An Empire of Purity

Israel’s Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Local Regional Council partially subsidize some of the construction costs of new Mikvahs. However, this amounts to less than 50% of the budget. Renovations of existing premises are a more significant issue, as most communities have no funding, monies must come from an external source.  Merkaz L’Taharat Ha’Mishpacha is the address for all Mikvah related requests. It will underwrite all funds needed to support the construction and\or renovation of Mikvahs in Eretz Yisrael.

“Where does Merkaz L’Taharat Ha’Mishpacha build Mikvahs?”  “Not in Bnei Brak or Yerushalayim,” clarifies Rabbi Chaim Levi,  CEO of Merkaz L’Taharat Ha’Mishpacha, “Charedi enclaves take care of their own religious needs.”

 Merkaz L’Taharat Ha’Mishpacha is active, specifically in places where religious services are neglected or nonexistent. The very first mikveh built by the organization was in Tel Adashim. Since then, they have built over one thousand Mikvahs across Eretz Yisrael.

Much thought goes into the individual Mikvahs at the planning stage.  Specifics of the community are taken into account, and particular emphasis is placed on the interior decoration and decor.  “The goal of Merkaz L’Taharat Ha’Mishpacha is to ensure that the mitzvah of taharah becomes beloved by the community. The overwhelming interest in the Torah that comes in the wake of a new  Mikvah proves that we’ve achieved that goal. The rippling effect of the purifying waters spread to all strata of the public.”

In the past year of 2019, seventeen Mikvahs were constructed and\or renovated in various communities in Eretz Yisrael. Currently, another two Mikvahs are awaiting final permits.  In the last few months, new Mikvahs opened in Revava, Beit Gamliel, Even Sapir, Zeitan, Biriya, and Kiryat Netafim. Construction and renovation are underway in the following locations:   Tal Menashe, Eitan, Karmei Katif, and Emunim. Construction should commence shortly in Avnei Chefetz, Tapuach, Eitz Efraim, and more. 

 Merkaz L’Taharat Ha’Mishpacha carries the responsibility for the kashrus of the Mikvahs it built.  Once in eighteen months, Rabbanim visit the Mikvahs to verify the kashrus of the Mikvah. Kashrus or maintenance issues that must be repaired are promptly taken care of by the Merkaz Maintenence team, regardless of the cost.

 Merkaz L’Taharat Ha’Mishpacha is the “Amud Ha’esh” spreading light and purity to  Israeli cities and towns and promoting kedusha and tahara among our nation.

Gedolei Yisrael have now come out with an announcement on behalf of  Merkaz L’Taharat Ha’Mishpacha: 

Every person should assist those working on behalf of the purity of Klal Yisrael. It is incumbent upon each individual to participate in this mitzvah by supporting  Merkaz L’Taharat Ha’Mishpacha, and save thousands of families by influencing them to keep the mitzvah of taharah, which is a  foundation of Am Yisrael.

The Chofetz Chaim zy”a said, The most significant form of tzedakah is to donate money to build a Mikvah. This mitzvah takes precedence over building a Beis Medrash, writing a Torah, and all other mitzvos.

“Those who assist Merkaz L’Taharat Ha’Mishpacha will surely be blessed with righteous generations who learn Torah and perform mitzvos b’kedushah u’vtaharah and merit good health to enjoy their brachos.


One Response

  1. Proven fact: Mikvahs that are beautiful and provide a positive experience lead to an upsurge in women keeping the mitzvah of taharah. & an even more strongly proven fact is, that solving the Shidduch crisis, leads to still even way more women observing the Mitzwah of Taharah.

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