Man Beloved By Rav Chaim Suffers Tragedy



“It is a great mitzvah to come to the aid of our friend shlita, who is an important talmid chacham, who is full of debts like a pomegranate is full of seeds, through no fault of his own. Recently, he suffered a heart attack and several illnesses. 

It is a matter of true Pikuach Nefesh, and of supporting a talmid chacham which is a great mitzvah. The more you give, the more Heaven will give you. All the donors will be blessed with children, long life, and abundant parnassah, and everything good, forever. And they will merit having a simcha soon in their homes.

Chaim Kanievsky”

As of Monday February 12th, forms have been dispersed on the streets of Jerusalem and Bnei Brak with the header “To Moreinu Sar Hatorah Harav Hagaon Chaim Kanievsky Shlita,

I have responded affirmatively to your personal request and we have donated” with a space for the participant to write their name, as well as a form to request specific brachos from the Rav. A video was also released of Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein and Rav Chaim meeting to discuss the matter. Many are choosing to use this opportunity to heed the call of the Rav, and to give their tzedaka to an individual whose character has been vouched for by one of the most respected leaders of our generation.

Given Rav Kanievsky’s rigorous schedule it is speculated that the family in question must be in dire need in order to necessitate such an explicated and public letter.

Donations are also being accepted via a Chesed Fund page for a limited time. 

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