Training today’s Rabbis for tomorrow’s challenges

Over the past two years, I participated in the exclusive training programme run by the Rabbinic Training Academy in London, led by Rabbi Shaul Rosenblatt (formerly of Aish UK). The programme has been transformative for myself, my family and likewise for all of the chabura who learn with me.

Rabbi Rosenblatt is a true eved Hashem who has brilliant insight, coupled with crisp Torah knowledge and experience in the “real world.” Allow me to share with you my perspective on this programme and explain why I have found it so valuable.

The uniqueness of this rabbinic training is that it combines meaningful learning with hands-on experience. Not a fan of exclusively theoretical learning, Rabbi Rosenblatt ensures that even the text-based learning is relevant and practical. For someone who is looking to find their place in the field of rabbanus or chinuch in the UK, this is incredibly useful. Alongside the daily men’s track, there is also a comprehensive ladies’ track which includes weekly group sessions, shiurim and mentoring time with both Rabbi and Mrs. Rosenblatt.

The men’s daily programme is split into two parts. The morning hours are dedicated to learning certain relevant topics in Halacha. Carefully designed by our Rosh Kollel, Harav Chaim Rapoport, shlita, we explore the fundamentals of the halachah through learning the relevant Gemoros, Rishonim, Achronim and Poskim. This allows for each of us to reach the psak halachah with a clear understanding of both the background and the route to the conclusive psak.

Harav Chaim also has a wealth of experience in psak given that he has had many interactions with the gedolei haposkim over the years and today is a sought-after posek. Observing him is valuable shimush.

During the second half of the day, the schedule includes guest speakers on a range of useful topics, visits to Jewish organisations, and Hashkafa classes from Rabbi Rosenblatt. This gives us an introduction to the needs of Anglo Jewry and an understanding of the wide range of services that are available to help people. We also gain information and contacts that as community rabbis is invaluable.

A major part of the RTA approach to training rabbis is the individual mentoring and wellbeing groups that take place periodically. Based on the 3 Principles approach to emotional wellbeing, Rabbi Rosenblatt and others on the team, work both with individuals and couples. This fusion of emotional wellbeing, halacha and hashkafa ensures that each participant develops as a human being.

The outcome of this training programme is that each of us now feel ready to face the modern world and its challenges with clarity, confidence, and resilience. This forms our tool kit that will enable us to impact our kehillah and the wider world, b’ezras Hashem.

Applications to the programme are now open and can be send to:

[email protected]

or For more information please visit

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