Can we Prevent More Innocent Students from Leaving the Torah way of Life?

Kids off the Derech. Teenage Dropouts. Depressed Students.

Can we Prevent More Innocent Students from Leaving the Torah way of Life?

At Lamdeini they know that the answer is a resounding Yes! Many who reject Yiddishkeit are simply disillusioned students who struggled with Gemara learning in school. Lamdeini have proven that helping children learn, understand, and taste the sweetness of Gemara learning restores their confidence. Confidence in learning, but more importantly, confidence in themselves. 

Lamdeini: A Unique Tutoring Program

Lamdeini was established by Rabbi Meir Oratz shlit”a, a talmid chacham living in Yerushalayim, who is a scion of the renowned Oratz family of educators and has taught in the United States and Eretz Yisrael for 20 years. Based on the legendary methods of Rav Yeshaya Weber shlit”a, Rabbi Oratz has developed a unique program in Eretz Yisrael that assists students in mastering the study of Gemara. Rabbi Oratz has been incredibly successful in helping students both as a classroom teacher and as a private tutor. 

Witnessing how many students who struggled to learn Gemara eventually became disillusioned with a Torah way of life, Rabbi Oratz has developed a clear vision of how to help struggling students on a larger scale. To this end, Rabbi Oratz designed Lamdeini, a unique tutoring program which provides students with the tools to blossom into confident learners, regain satisfaction in their learning, and thrive as a part of our community.   

Lamdeini is endorsed by Hagaon Harav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlit”a, Rosh Yeshivas Slabodka and a member of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah. Lamdeini is privileged to be led and guided by Harav Shmuel Kamenetsky shlit”a head of the Moetzes Gedolei haTorah of the USA and Rosh Yeshivah of Philadelphia Yeshivah, and Harav Yitzchak Berkovits shlit”a, Rosh Yeshivas Aish Hatorah and Rosh Kollel of the Jerusalem Kollel. Harav Berkovits is actively involved in every aspect of the program. Harav Yaakov Bender shlit”a serves as the chinuch advisor and Rabbi Shimon Russell shlit”a as the clinical advisor.   

The Challenge of Learning Gemara

The study of Gemara requires a high level of reading and punctuation, for the text is in Aramaic and it has no punctuation or paragraph breaks. Additionally, a student needs to acquire the ability to follow logical reasoning and sequential thinking. Some boys will intuitively grasp the basic elements of Gemara learning; however, many do not. And one can only imagine the feelings of humiliation and damage to the self-esteem of those boys permanently marked as failures. 

The Solution: Early Intervention

So, how are struggling students transformed into confident, independent learners?

The solution to this problem is early intervention tutoring, which pinpoints each boy’s strengths and learning style and provides encouragement and confidence building. 

The staff at Lamdeini have been doing just this. Lamdeini provides professionally trained tutors who study with students at school, using methodology based on the teachings of Rav Yeshaya Weber shlit”a. Lamdeini undertake a comprehensive assessment of each student and then prepare an individualized learning plan to address his specific learning and comprehension difficulties. Lamdeini target sixth and seventh grade students so the boys have not yet labeled themselves as failures. Working with forty students in several schools in Yerushalayim, Lamdeini have experienced incredible success Baruch Hashem, recording significant achievements for 85% of this year’s students based on progress reports, evaluations, and reports from teachers and parents. 

Evidently, programs to offer tutoring on a large scale and with proper supervision and guidance are an important communal investment. As Rabbi Berkovits has passionately asserted, “If this isn’t pikuach nefesh, then what is?” 

A Heavily Subsidized Program

The belief at Lamdeini is that every single child deserves the chance to succeed. That is why Lamdeini offer their tutoring program to all parents, regardless of their financial status, and provide substantial subsidies for those families who cannot afford the expense of hiring a private tutor. The many families in Yerushalayim on a shoestring budget pay only a token sum per month, while Lamdeini absorb the considerable cost of the private one-on-one tutoring sessions. 

Please, Please Accept My Child!

Until now Lamdeini limited their intake of students and shouldered their expenses with limited fundraising efforts. However, they cannot refuse the many parents and rebbeim who are begging them to accept more children into the program. How can they say no to these impassioned pleas when they know more than anyone what is at stake? How can they not feel responsible for each child’s future as a happy, successful member of Klal Yisrael? 

Your Contribution to the Future of Klal Yisrael

Rabbi Berkovits, who considers establishing learning programs as nothing less than pikuach nefesh, is spearheading a Charidy campaign on January 26-27 to raise much-needed funds to expand this vital program. 

Every contribution will help prevent another tragedy. Every contribution will help another precious Yiddishe child regain confidence in himself. 

You can help Lamdeini invest in these children! You can secure the future of Klal Yisrael!

Click here 

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