Help Save The Family of a Man Who Dedicated His Life To Bringing Joy To Others!

The family of a man who brought joy into the lives of thousands is now turning to us to help them escape from a desperate financial situation.

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The untimely passing of R’ Duvid Eckstein zt”l, a Lakewood resident for many years, left the community saddened and shocked.

R’ Duvid suffered through many yissurim but was always seen with a smile. He was an incredibly happy person and had the unique ability to spread joy to everyone he met with a joke, good word or interesting story. In fact, when presented with a shtender as a gift, he had the words “Ivdu Es Hashem B’Simcha” painted on it. This was his mantra in life.

Many people fondly recall how R’ Duvid could bring a smile to any face and loved spreading happiness and cheer to everyone he met.

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Despite his suffering, R’ Duvid was devoted to his learning and davening. He davened Vasikin, and would then learn Daf Yomi with a chavrusah. Throughout the rest of the day, he had up to 5 more chavrusahs to review the Daf with him. The following story illustrates both his dedication to tefillah and his good humor: He once was seen davening very quickly. When asked why he was davening so fast, R’ Duvid, with his trademark sense of humor, replied, “I found a siddur with a new nusach that is shorter.” When pressed for a real answer, he said, “I try to have kavanah the entire time that I am davening. I focus on every word of davening and I don’t want to let my mind wander even for a second. I felt that I had to daven fast to make sure I wouldn’t lose my concentration for a moment.”

R’ Duvid left behind his widow and a beautiful family of seven children who are all bnei Torah and upstanding Yidden. The family is currently in a very bad financial situation and are in need of the public’s support to get back on their feet after this great loss.

Please open your hearts and donate generously to the family of the man who loved making others happy. Click to donate now!


Campaign verified by the rabonim of Chesed of Lakewood

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