Challenge Your Mind, Nourish Your Soul at Shapell’s/Darche Noam & Midreshet Rachel v’Chaya

For 42 years, Jewish men and women in their 20’s and 30’s have come to Jerusalem from all over the world to “learn how to learn” classical Jewish texts at Shapell’s/Yeshiva Darche Noam and Midreshet Rachel v’Chaya.

These students, many (though not all) of whom grew up without a traditional Jewish education, arrive wanting to study in a mature environment that will not try to “put them in a box”, but rather encourage their independence as educated, Orthodox Jews. They want to “learn how to learn” from our nation’s original texts, and make an informed decision about the community they find right for them.

At the same time, the education they receive enable them to respect and love the communities that others have chosen. More than 4,000 alumni (including over 1,000 of whom now live in Israel) who are living Torah lives rich in meaning are evidence that the approach of “dracheha darche noam” – Torah is multifaceted, while being harmonious and pleasant in its many ways — is one that impacts the lives of its students and their communities.

Shapell’s/Darche Noam offers programs for students who wish to study from one month to multiple years. In both the Yeshiva and the Midrasha, students progress level by level as they build their textual skills. Of course, they also benefit from close, personal attention from their rabbis and teachers, and meaningful trips throughout Israel.

A particularly unique program is the “Married Couples Program,” where young couples study individually in the yeshiva and seminary, sharing many of the same teachers, while having additional programming for them together as a married couple. This programming is designed to address important issues as these couples build homes of Torah, harmony and service to Klal Yisrael. This holistic approach, experienced by both husband and wife, has proven to be tremendously meaningful to the many couples who have studied in the program over the past four decades.

Busy professionals who may not be able to take off a month or more to study often choose to participate in the Executive Learning Program. They work with the program’s director to build a one-on-one text-based learning experience for a period of anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks. Participants can even bring along a child to learn with them. Personalized learning is indeed the best possible “souvenir” of a trip to Israel!

In all of its programs, Shapell’s/ Darche Noam provides educational experiences that truly impact the lives of its students and their future communities. It provides programs that are second to none in a mature setting that is unique in Klal Yisrael.

For more information, please fill out this form or email Rabbi Moshe Baron at [email protected].

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