New Daily Amud Program – FREE

This week, tens of thousands of yidden around the world celebrated the accomplishment of finishing Shas! The inspiration is here! And the message is clear! Not only does one need to have a daily learning seder but one also needs to have a strategic goal that motivates him day in day out.

Now’s the time to act on that inspiration!

Oraysa, the new Amud & Chazara initiative, might be just the program you have been waiting for!

 Starting Masechta Brachos this coming Sunday, January 5th, the program is geared to networking individuals, chavrusos, chaburos and shiurim in communities around the world with a united goal of learning and retaining Shas through a methodical and realistic program. Under the program, participants learn one new amud each day, Sunday thru Thursday, along with a thorough chazara of the previous day’s amud as well. Friday and Shabbos are reserved for chazering the week’s two-and-a-half blatt.

An integral part of the Oraysa program is the bechina given every fourth Sunday on the ten blatt learned over the course of the month. The bechina is a critical tool for testing and promoting retention, motivating participants to do an additional, pre-bechina review at the end of each month. With each blatt learned four times over the course of the month, there is a true internalization of the sugyos, resulting in lifetime retention as outlined by Rashi in Avodah Zara.

The program provides a plethora of resources, including daily audio and video shiurim, marei mekomos and review sheets, all at your fingertips via the website Members also receive a daily email each morning with an audio and video podcast of the amud as well as marei mekomos and review sheets. Oraysa also provides support for setting up local shiurim, chaburos, chavrusos, and more. The handy, easy-to-use calendar produced by Oraysa provides a clear outline of the program and one’s ongoing progress throughout. A custom calendar can be created and maintained by creating a login account on the website.

The launch of Oraysa came with the strong endorsement and enthusiastic encouragement of leading Roshei Yeshiva, Rabbonim and Gedolei Yisroel who issued strong statements of support for this learning model. The project is under the auspices of Harav Noach Isaac Oelbaum Rav of Khal Nachlas Yitzchok in Queens.

Oraysa has been warmly embraced by lomdim from the full spectrum of the Olam Hatorah, including balebattim, mechanchim, as well as yungeleit in Kollelim. For more information or to set up or join a shiur or chaburah in your neighborhood, please contact Oraysa at 855.4OR.AYSA or email [email protected].

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