How one JEWISH girl inspired a movement.

In an ordinary school in Jerusalem eight years ago a teacher noticedsomething unusual one winter. One of her students, a little girl not olderthan 10 was coming to school every second day. She was a normal child,nothing seemed off. Only this attendance was amiss.
The teacher couldn’t understand what was going on. She decided to ask thechild, cautiously, “Why are you coming to school every second day? What’sgoing on? You can tell me.”
The young girl sheepishly looked at her teacher and with apologetic eyesadmitted that she would love to come every day to school, but she can’t; hermother won’t let her.
“What do you mean? I can talk to your mother and sort it out” said theteacher.
“No, it’s not what you think. You see it’s cold outside and my coat.wellit’s not my coat. I share it with my sister. We’re not allowed outside inthe cold without a coat so my sister and I need to take turns coming toschool”.
The teacher couldn’t believe her ears. A coat is so simple, so basic, andespecially in the frigid winters of Jerusalem, so necessary. How can a coatstand in the way of school and education?
With that dilemma, Yad Ezra V’Shulamit, one of Israel’s best-known charitiesthat feeds thousands of people in over 35 cities, began their winter warmthcampaign eight years ago.
The annual distribution of thousands of warm coats, boots, heaters andblankets to those who would otherwise go cold, and miss school, has been alifeline for many. This program focuses especially on distribution to themost vulnerable population, children.
Children are born into their circumstances and can’t help themselves. Infact, one in three children in Israel lives under the poverty line. Oftencoming from single-parent homes with minimal wages leaving organizationssuch as Yad Ezra V’Shulamit to provide the community support needed to raisechildren in good health, keep them warm, and in school.
Yad Ezra V’Shulamit has been feeding thousands of Jewish children andfamilies since 1988 and continues to support basic needs through providingfood baskets, food vouchers, baby formula, and running Children’s Centersthat feed and nurture hundreds of children daily.
Once again, winter has come. Yad Ezra V’Shulamit has pledged to support over2,500 vulnerable children with coats and warm winter items and is lookingfor people to donate to this important cause. Let’s bring warmth forchildren suffering in Israel. Donate today.

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