TOMORROW NIGHT! Join 10K BatayYisroel’s Milestone Event in Brooklyn

A Personal Invitation from R’ Shaya Levin:

I would like to take this opportunity to personally invite everyone to our 10K Batay Yisroel Motzei Zos Chanukahgathering next Monday Evening December 30th.  It will take place at 8PM in the Merkaz Community Center located at 1739 Ocean Avenue Brooklyn. This get together will celebrate 10K Batay Yisroel reaching a tremendous milestone of 10,000 shidduch suggestions lilluy nishmas Yisroel and Elisheva and we wanted to join together to be mechazek each other in this holy endeavor. This is just the first stage of where we are heading but we felt that this was the opportune time to express our hakoras hatov to all of our friends and supporters and that everyone would appreciate the chance to spend some quality time together in an enjoyable atmosphere.

The 10K team is constantly at work thinking of and implementing new ideas of how to fulfill our mission of trying to bring simcha to all of Klal Yisroel by encouraging everyone to get involved in redting shidduchim. In order to create more meaningful change and provide more resources, we do need financial help to make these dreams happen. With proper funding we could do so much more such as making more 10K events and providing more resources to assist with and promote more shidduchim. While we would greatly appreciate your financial assistance to the greatest extent possible, we don’t want any of our friends to hold back from attending due to financial constraints. My mechutan R’ Joel Kaplan will be joining us and sharing some sentiments and I will do so as well. There will be delicious food and musical entertainment and we might have some surprise appearances!

Please join with us and bring along your friends as well!

We would greatly appreciate if everyone who plans to attend would RSVP so we can make adequate preparations.

I look very forward to seeing you there. 

Shaya Levin

To RSVP click here

If you cannot make it to the event but still wish to support 10K Batay Yisroel click here

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