Real Learning. Real Cause. Real Success.

For some, it began in a hotel lobby. For others, it began at the Veitzener Cheder. 


That’s right – Shas for Shidduchim is back!


Shas for Shidduchim is a campaign created by Chicago Chesed Fund to give relatives, friends and singles themselves, a meaningful way to bring about shidduchim. Now in its third year, this national campaign gives donors an opportunity to sponsor a daf of gemara in the merit that someone they know find their zivug. 


On Tu B’Shvat, February 10th, 2020 we will do it again! 


On this auspicious day, our lomdim will once again gather to complete the entire Shas (all 2,711 blatt of gemara!) Bezras Hashem, harnessing the tremendous power of Limud HaTorah will be a zchus for all of Klal Yisroel to find their zivugim. 


And it doesn’t stop there. All proceeds are donated exclusively to the Chicago Chesed Fund to continue their work to help solve the shidduch crisis.


Our previous campaigns have been met with an overwhelming success. 


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I’m sure that through the zchus of the learning that took place B”H on Tu B’shvat starting from last year, THIS year my 41-year-old daughter got married to a wonderful guy from Chicago ON Tu B’Shvat in Monsey. Continue doing your great work. Thank you again.  

Join us as we embark on our third annual Shas for Shidduchim campaign and help us see more singles walk down the aisle to their chuppah.


Sponsor a Daf in zchus of a single!

Chicago Chesed Fund is a non-profit organization committed to helping families in crisis throughout the Chicagoland area. Through various programming and events, it provides critical assistance in the form of goods, services and financial support in an environment that maintains the dignity and integrity of each and every recipient.

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