25 Years of Torah Kesser Yitnu: Emergency Campaign to Rescue Mosdos Beis Abba in Kiryat Sefer

For 25 years, since the founding of Kiryat Sefer, Mosdos Beis Abba has beared the torch of Torah in the city, enabling hundreds of avreichim to devote themselves exclusively to limud Torah and avodas Hashem. The Kollel has escorted the city since its inception, serving as its spiritual cornerstone and molding its character as a City of Torah that attracts the crème de la crème of Israeli yeshivos. As Maran Sar HaTorah Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky, shlit”a, expressed, “Beis Abba is a pioneer” in transforming Kiryat Sefer into a City of Torah.

Unfortunately, these same institutions that are among the forerunners of contemporary limud Torah in Eretz Yisrael have plummeted into financial crisis that is threatening its very continuation. The learning of 400 kollel avreichim and 500 bachurim enrolled in Yeshivas Ohel Yosef, a subsidiary of Beis Abba, is at stake, and following the instruction of gedolei Yisrael shlit”a, this Empire of Torah is extending an urgent appeal to all bnei Torah and those who value and esteem learning to join forces and support Mosdos Beis Abba.

Several weeks ago, an inspiring event took place in the home of Maran Sar HaTorah Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a, in the presence of gedolei Yisrael, members of Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah and roshei yeshivos, as the Kesser Yitnu Emergency Campaign was launched on behalf of Mosdos Beis Abba.

Affirming his support for these sacred institutions, Harav Chaim shlit”a issued a krias kodesh and heartfelt appeal to all residents of Kiryat Sefer stating that “The wealth of Torah that characterizes our city today is, indeed, owing to the efforts and dedication of those early pioneers who united to build the first beis medrash and kollel in the city, and obviously, the physical growth of a city is rooted in its spiritual foundations.”

The letter subsequently stated, “Our city and all our residents thus owe a profound debt of gratitude to Kollel Beis Abba which glorifies our City of Torah and is the spiritual meeting place of hundreds of avreichim who engage daily in Torah and avodas Hashem within its hallowed halls. They all fall under the category of ‘talmidei chachamim who are called bana’im, builders,’ as written, ‘Al tikri banayich ela bonayich, do not call your sons but your builder,’ upholding our city with the force of their toil in Torah.”

The letter concludes with Harav Chaim’s heartfelt brachah to all donors and supporters: “Certainly those who take part in this great mitzvah shall be rewarded with infinite brachos, and the merits of Torah and supporting talmidei chachamim will safeguard you, your family and all your loved ones. May your heart and the hearts of your children open vast to the beauty and wisdom of Torah, to engage in it and acquire it with peace of mind and nachas always!”

The flagship Campaign event will be the Gala Dinner which will take place on the second night of Chanukah, the eve of 26 Kislev (December 23, 2019), in the Achuza Hall in Modi’in. All proceeds from the Dinner will benefit Mosdos Beis Abba in Kiryat Sefer which is under the auspices of Hagaon Harav Aharon Dov Freund, shlit”a.

The Dinner, which will be attended by gedolei hador shlit”a, will be streamed live from 8 p.m. – 12 p.m. (Israel time), inviting every Jew who wishes to partner with the limud Torah in Kiryat Sefer to attend the event virtually, demonstrate his support of this colossal empire of Torah, and acquire a share in the eternal limud Torah learned as a result of his contribution.  Beis Abba’s administration has set itself a goal of raising 2.5 million shekels at this event in order to cover the stipends of its avreichim and allow the Kollels to regain financial stability.

The Gala Dinner will be limited to 700 guests. In the course of this historic event, guests of honor, gedolei Torah and roshei yeshivos will pay tribute to the outstanding accomplishments in Torah that Mosdos Beis Abba has brought to the city throughout the past quarter-century, efforts that have escorted Kiryat Sefer since its inception and paralleled its growth and development in Torah. The event will also feature a siyum on maseches Eiruvin, as well as a Siyum HaShas by the Kollel’s avreichim who have completed Daf Yomi.

Dinner guests attending lichvodah shel Torah shall enjoy a festive banquet with musical accompaniment by Ruvi Banet and his orchestra and a spectacular performance by Moti Steinmetz and the Malchus Choir. Beginning at 6:30 p.m., before the doors open to the Reception Hall, there will be a special exhibit presenting an overview of the history and Torah of Kiryat Sefer since its inception. The exhibit will feature photos and documents from the city’s early years along with video documentaries that convey the inseparable story of Mosdos Beis Abba and Kiryat Sefer.

The evening’s program includes a special video presentation by Mosdos Beis Abba, a review of the Kollel’s history and advancements throughout the years and a breathtaking song composed especially in honor of this event which marks 25 years since the founding of the city and Mosdos Beis Abba.  The Dinner itself is a sign of recognition and gratitude to Hashem for the miracles and wonders that He performed “bayamim hahem, bazman hazeh” throughout a quarter-century of Torah in Kiryat Sefer.

To donate please call 718.253.2529 or email ‏‪[email protected]‬‏ or visit us online at http://beitaba.co.il/

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