An Open Letter from Rabbi Schlomo Bochner as Bonei Olam Launches their National Auction

We Can Help Couples Build Castles of their Own


Dear Klal Yisroel,

One day this summer, I was strolling down the beach when I came across an abandoned sandcastle. It was magnificently crafted, with towers and turrets and a jaunty flag flying from its roof. Yet even as I watched, the waves were breaking it apart. First a little wave licked its base, then a giant wave came nearly to its middle. I watched as the waters retreated, hoping against hope that the castle would somehow stand strong. But the waves were relentless, and soon the magnificent structure crumbled into sand.

I thought then that I’ve seen many castles crumble into nothingness. Every day, I see couples dream of a child, only to have their hopes dashed – again and again and again. They endure a devastating cycle of building, hope and loss; building, hope and loss.

Yet the very sand these couples use to build their castles holds the key to their salvation. For Hashem said to Avraham Avinu, והרבה ארבה את זרעך ככוכבי השמים וכחול על שפת הים – and I will increase your children as the stars in the heaven and the sand at the shore.

It is this promise that grants us at Bonei Olam the courage to help the couples rebuild – to tell couples that despite the waves, despite the failures, we will do everything possible to make their dreams come true.

We do that by funding treatments. No matter how many times a treatment has failed, no matter how many times a couple has seen their castle crumble away, we will continue to fund their care, as long as there is hope that they can have a child.

To date, there are over eight thousand Bonei Olam babies – more than 8000 homes filled with joy; 8000 times that we see the fulfillment of Hashem’s great promise. These children will, with Hashem’s help, bring forth a future that is so glorious, so great; it is impossible to reckon – like the sand on the shore!

It’s incredible to be part of all this building. But we don’t build alone. With every dollar you donate, every treatment you sponsor, every auction ticket you purchase today, you are there with us, building castles and filling them with joy.

These are not distant castles in some faraway land. They are right here – they are your neighbors, your siblings, your friends. They are desperately trying to build castles, but they can’t do it alone – because the task is so daunting and the price is so high. But the knowledge that you’re building with them; that you care to Fund the Future; gives them strength to keep building.

I personally invite you to join us in Sandcastles, and to partner with us in helping waiting couples realize the fulfillment of Hashem’s brachah to Avraham Avinu – והרבה ארבה את זרעך ככוכבי השמים וכחול אשר על שפת הים.

                                                                        Wishing you much joy in your own castle,

                                                                                               Schlomo Bochner

One Response

  1. Thank you Bonei Olam for the help you are providing those childless couples.
    Unfortunately, there are TOO many childless couples I know and the numbers are rising.
    Burach Hashem there are many resources to help with infertility as there are advances in medicine.
    Yet, at the same time there are advances that are actually the cause of infertility.
    We want to help Bonei Olam with the couples, however we want Bonei Olam to be here and help Klal Yisroel to lower the rate of infertility and to be there before the damage is done.
    When Bonei Olam is ready to fight against what is causing more than 50% of the infertility cases, there will be MANY donations to help those unfortunately already affected.

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