Removing ayin horah remotely from Yerusholayim

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   People from the frum community worldwide have recently been enthralled with the amazing abilities of Rav Doniel Hool shlitah, who diagnoses ayin horah and then destroys it remotely from Yerusholayim, using the traditional method of pouring molten lead or ‘Blei Gissen’. Almost every day for the last few months, the list of stories on ‘the lead reveals’ page of his website gets longer!
    Provided with only the Hebrew name of the client (and his/her’s mothers Hebrew name) Rav Hool does the procedure in Yerusholayim and then tells the client -wherever they are on the planet- with uncanny accuracy what physical ailments he/she is suffering from. He has told people from all over the world whether they have problems with their teeth, a stiff neck, back pain, intestinal issues and so on.
   Rav Hool says “Telling people whom I have never met- what they are suffering from is not simply a ‘party trick’……There may be six hundred Reuven Ben Rochel’s alive, but when I tell Reuven ben Rochel in Los Angeles that he has a problem with his right leg and his left shoulder- he now has full confidence that I am treating the right person!”

 When asked how he can ‘read the lead’ like this, he simply says: “Every breath I breathe is with Siyyatah DiShmayah, and similarly it is only with Siyattah Dishmayah that I can do anything at all!”
   Rav Hool says almost everyone he has done the procedure for- showed clear signs of ayin horah in the lead. “Even if they have no physical ailments, the ayin horah shows up in the lead and it may be affecting any non physical area of their lives…”
   Not only has Rav Hool successfully diagnosed the ailments people have, he also has an impressive record of bringing a positive change in their lives by destroying their ayin horah! For example a woman had the procedure done because she needed a shidduch, but when Rav Hool did the procedure, he told her “You have lower back pain that is giving you difficulty to walk!” Three days after the procedure she reported her back problem had disappeared! 
   A couple of weeks ago, a client who had the procedure done for his wife three weeks prior told Rav Hool ” “Yeah! No toothaches whatsoever since the procedure (she had toothaches the whole time beforehand!) and even though she has had some light headaches- they are much, much much better, not comparable to the absolutely agonizing headaches she had before the procedure! Thanks!”
 Similarly, recently a woman who had suffered continuous pain in her arm for two years straight, reported her pain has completely disappeared only four days after the procedure! 
   Rav Hool has successfully ‘treated’ migraines, insomnia, parnossah issues shidduchim and so on!
   One can never know for sure whether it was the procedure done by Rav Hool that has caused a positive change, but the yeshuos people have seen soon after the procedure are too many to ignore! Many of the impressive successes are listed on the “success stories” of his website.

Last week on 04/09/19- Rav Hool received the following voicemail message from a high school rebbe and talmid chochom who had a remote procedure three and a half weeks prior- for himself and his wife: This is the exact wording:

“Good afternoon Rabbi Hool- I have three words to say to you “kol hakavod mamash!”- I’ve waited ’till today to see if all the things I wanted to happen- and my wife wanted to happen- have happened and I’m telling you- they all happened- up and until (including) yesterday. For a long, long time, we’ve waited for a lot of things to happen, but now they have all happened and therefore I wanted to say a ‘gevaldigeh y’shekoach’ …we are really grateful to you! We’re carrying on with the kabolos and carrying on with the pessukim and life is a very different situation! Thank you very, very much indeed! kol tuv… bye bye.”

On a follow up call the client described numerous yeshuos, for example his wife was walking so much better immediately after the procedure, for the first time she had no digestive issues on holiday, and many other problems were sorted that had been ongoing for many months. Baruch Hashem!

   Rav Hool only does the procedure for someone who agrees to undertake the strengthening of a mitzvah. Rav Hool says: “They don’t need to tell me what mitzvah they have chosen- it is between them and Hashem Yisborach, but I feel we can only have Siyattah DiShmayah if they provide this ‘spiritual currency’. I insist the undertaking is very small so that their kabolloh is 100% genuine.”
   Rav Hool has the full written endorsement (!) of Harav haGaon Rav Mattisyahu Doitch shlitah- dayan of the Eidah Chareidis and Moreh D’asrah of Ramat Shlomo Yerusholayim. He also has the encouragement from Harav Hagaon Rav Dovid Abuchatzerah Shlita. 
   A talmid of Yeshivas Mercaz HaTorah, Gateshead, Ponevez and Mir, Rav Hool has been learning Torah full time for 30 years. It is intriguing that a talmid of the ‘litveshe’ yeshivos would get into such a thing but Rav Hool replies “I saw that the procedure actually works, and I know Hagaon Rav Yisroel Yaakov Fisher ztz’l sent hundreds of people to get rid of ayin horah in this way. What’s more- the Tzemach Tzeddek even allows heating up the lead on shabbos to try and save someones life- under certain circumstances! So if with S’D’ I can help people, and they will strengthen the performance of a mitzvah- why not?!”
  Of particular interest on his website is the ‘Audio lectures’ page where there are some very interesting, unique Torah speeches given by Rav Hool. Some are humorous, and one about the ‘Heavenly Court’ is simply terrifying and highly recommended listening- as we head into Elul IYH. From listening to the lectures, we get a real feel about who Rav Hool is and what he deems important.  
 To have the procedure done remotely-wherever you are in the world!- go to his website:  www.shevatiheyenoh.comMoreynu Rosh Hayeshivah Hagaon Rav Gershon Edelstein Shlitah, Rosh Yeshivas Ponevez discussing divrey Torah with Rav Hool in Rav Hool’s home in 1997Moreynu Rosh Yeshivas Gateshead, Hagaon Rav Avrohom Gurvitz Shlitah with Rav Hool in 2005

5 Responses

  1. Does YWN really want to be promoting these types of “procedures”. I won’t use derogatory terms but this really seems to be on the fringe.

  2. we live in 2019 and this guy’s “supporting” pictures with Gedolim are from 1997 and 2005??–yeah, real impressive. Get a job, dude.

  3. A Picture says a 1000 words, I’d rather a picture from 1997 showing Hagaon Rav Gershon shlita eating in his home (and it seems he has been in kollel ever since) than a picture posing with a godol from five minutes ago…..

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