The Chofetz Chaim taught that even a person who is Shomer Shabbos and Shomer Torah u’Mitzvos his entire life may go to Shomayim after 120 years and experience a great shock. The Beis Din in Shamayim will assert that he never kept Shabbos. The person will not understand the accusation. He was always meticulous about Shabbos and even learned Mishna Berurah Chelek Gimmel. Why is he being so harshly condemned as a Mechallel Shabbos? It is because he had neighbors, relatives, colleagues or co-workers who didn’t keep Shabbos and he never tried to help them observe Shabbos. He never invited them to a Shabbos meal or for Kiddush.
This exemplifies how strong and severe our obligation is as Arevim to others less affiliated. Kol Yisroel Areivim Ze Lazeh. We, Yidden, are guarantors for each other and dependent on one another. If even one Jew is lacking in Mitzvah observance it affects all of us.
You may be uncomfortable or feel intimidated to invite your secular acquaintance for Shabbos. You may feel that you don’t know how to conduct the Shabbos table for a beginner or you’re not sure what is appropriate conversation.
You have nothing to fear or be worried about. All you need to do is extend the invitation and convince your Jewish brother or sister to come. The Shabbos Project will have the rest taken care of.
Next Shabbos, Parshas Vayeirah (November 15-16), will be a Shabbos you will never forget. Whether it is your cousin or your co-worker, make sure to invite them. It may be your barber, your doctor or your physical therapist. We all know someone who doesn’t observe Shabbos. This is your chance to save another Neshama and also save your own Neshama from Din in Shomayim.
A gala and lavish Shabbos dinner will take place in the Kingsway Jewish Center ballroom with famous singers and world-renowned, inspiring speakers. It will be the perfect ambiance to share Shabbos with someone not yet observant. A four-course dinner, scotch and bourbon bar and delectable desert awaits you and your special Shabbos guest.
Register here before it is too late. Space is filling up!